
American Slavery

  • Slaves arrive

    Slaves arrive
    Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. (source- history channel) (web adress- (found this info on- 27/1/14)
  • John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life.

    John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life.
    John Punch, a runaway black servant, is sentenced to servitude for life. His two white
    companions are given extended terms of servitude. Punch is the first documented slave
    (site sharondraper) (adress
    for life. (date found- 27/1/14)
  • first colony to legalize slavery.

    first colony to legalize slavery.
    Massachusetts is the first colony to legalize slavery. (sharon draper) ( this info on- 27/1/14)
  • 1654 A Virginia court grants blacks the right to hold slaves.

    1654 A Virginia court grants blacks the right to hold slaves.
    A Virginia court grants blacks the right to hold slaves. (web adress (sharon draper)
    (found this info on- 27/1/14)
  • A Virginia court decides a child born to an enslaved mother is also a slave.

    A Virginia court decides a child born to an enslaved mother is also a slave.
    ( (author- V. Chapman Smith) (the date I found the info- 3/2/14)
  • 7 mllion

    7 mllion
    7 million slaves were imported to the New World during the 18th century alone, depriving the African continent of some of its healthiest and ablest men and women.
    (source- history channel) (web adress- this info on- 27/1/14)
  • Period: to

    American revoloution, americans abolish slavery.

    After the American Revolution (1775-83), many colonists (particularly in the North, where slavery was relatively unimportant to the economy) began to link the oppression of black slaves to their own oppression by the British, and to call for slavery's abolition.
    (source- history channel) (web adress-
  • after

    After the war's end, however, the new U.S. Constitution tacitly acknowledged the institution, counting each slave as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and representation in Congress and guaranteeing the right to repossess any "person held to service or labor" (an obvious euphemism for slavery). (source- history channel) (web adress- this info on- 27/1/14)
  • 1808 Congress bans the importation of slaves from Africa.

    1808 Congress bans the importation of slaves from Africa. (History of Slavery in America | (
    (date I found this piece of info-10/2/14)
  • 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin is published. It becomes one of the most influential works to stir anti-slavery sentiments

    1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin is published. It becomes one of the most influential works to stir anti-slavery sentiments
    1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin is published. It becomes one of the most influential works to stir anti-slavery sentiments. (History of Slavery in America | ~( (date info found- 10/2/14)
  • 1865 The Civil War ends. Lincoln is assassinated. The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery throughout the United States.

    1865 The Civil War ends. Lincoln is assassinated. The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery throughout the United States.
    1865 The Civil War ends. Lincoln is assassinated. The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery throughout the United States. On June 19 slavery in the United States effectively ended when 250,000 slaves in Texas finally received the news that the Civil War had ended two months earlier. (History of Slavery in America | ( (date info found- 10/2/14)