
American Slavery and It's Abolitionist

  • Start of Slavery in America

    Start of Slavery in America
    This is where it all started. The first africans were brought to Jamestown as slaves. This meant that it would take 200+ years to end slavery in America.
  • Abolition of Slavery in England and William Wilberforce

    Abolition of Slavery in England and William Wilberforce
    Wilberforce starts the anti-slavery movement in England. Though it will be a long fight, he feels he must do it because God wants him too. He finds a lot of evidence but keeps getting shut down by the rest of Parliment because they had to go to war with France. This will be important for America because it showed that the rest of the world thought slavery was wrong.
  • Wilberforce Ends Slavery in England

    Wilberforce Ends Slavery in England
    He finally passed the anti-slavery bill in March 25,1807. This meant that there will be no carrying of humans on British ships, so the slave trade goes down signifigantly. This helps America in many ways. The British started protrolling for slave ships to shoot them down. The number of Africans coming to America drops signifigantly
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    A newspaper about American Slavery and how it should be stopped. Wasn't extremely popular but it gained nation recognition . It lasted for decades until the 13th Amendment was passed. During its run time it also pushed for womens rights and published many articles written by women.
  • John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry

    John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry
    John Brown raids Harper's Ferry in hope that the slaves would rise up. His plan backfires and he is easily put into jail. He was then hung for his crimes against the United States government. This made poeple agnry the started using the executions to show how the government supports slavery John Brown became a symbol of pro-union and anit-slavery.
  • Civil War Starts

    Civil War Starts
    The south seceded from the north. Mainly because slavery was going to abolished and the south didn't want that. So after they seceded they declared war.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The president of the United States Abraham Lincoln while still at war will the south made this law. It freed 3.1 million slaves out of the 4 million affected. After the civil war ended slavery was completey abolished. Though there will be racism in America even till modern day
  • End of Civil War and Slavery

    End of Civil War and Slavery
    When the Civil War ended all slaves became free. The south would have very bad racial problems until the 1960's but even today is a racist area. They can't even admit that they lost the Civil War.