
American School for the Deaf

  • Gallaudet goes to Europe

    Gallaudet goes to Europe
    Thomas Gallaudet travels to Europe and studies for a year inorder to bring back was of instructing the Deaf.
  • Return

    In May of 1816 Galluadet retuned with a gentlemen named Laurent Clerc. With his help Galluadet started forming the "American Asylum for Deaf- mutes". (It later changed names before becoming officially established).
  • Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons

    Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons
    The ffirst permenant school for the deaf in America. More schools begun popping up around the country.
  • State Grants

    State Grants
    In the winter of 1818, the school recieved the first educational grant from the state government. It was an annual grant from the states and the first ever to any school in the states.
  • Federal Grant

    Federal Grant
    This was the first time the federal government gave aid to elementary and secondary special education- it was a land grant in Alabama territory.
  • A new look

    A new look
    The main building named after Galluadet will be renovated to three times the original size(and cost a pretty penny too!).
  • Music comes to ASD

    Music comes to ASD
    Hatford Symphony visited ASD on October 20, 2012