Period: to
Political and Social events
First 10 Amendments/ bill of rights
The bill of rights at fully added to the United States of American Constitution.
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/billofrights.jpg&imgrefurl=http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/billofrightsintro.html&h=283&w=250&tbnid=Ih5JjOQaq4glAM:&tbnh=239&tbnw=211&usg=__KNVNSA41XulXAWK9JaXHosKQ11o%3D&vet=1&docid=A02lsCHQhrUAmM -
United states Capital
United stated, Washington D.C. becomes the Capital to its 5.3 million population. -
D.C. Burned down
In the War of 1812, British burn much of Washington D.C. -
Peru's Independence
Peru assures its independence by defeating Spain at Ayacucho -
Death of President.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams die on same day, July 4. -
War with Mexico
United States annexes Texas (leads to war with Mexico, 1864-1848) -
Ports with Japan
Commodore Matthew Perry opens two Japanese ports to U.S. trade. -
British takes over India.
After Indian Revolt against British East India Company rule, British Govt. takes over administration of India. -
Abe Lincoln Stephen A. Douglas
Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas stage a noted series of seven debates as candidates for the Illinois seat in the U.S. Senate.