Period: to
Americann revolution
2nd Continental congress
Alot of partiots where there the same ones as in the first. With a couple extras like Ben Frankin John Hancock -
Stamp Act
Tax on all legal documents, paper goods -
Twonshend act
A tax on any item that was needed to live -
Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre was strarted by a group of drunk boston throwing snowballs and rocks at them -
Boston Tea Party
Bostonans lightly dressed like indians dumped tea into the harbor -
Intolerable acts
Also know as the coecive acts Boston's ports will be closed untill they could pay for the tea they dumped -
Olive Branch petition
Final attempt to aviod a full on war with the crown written by john dickison -
Common sense was published
Common sense was published on jan 10 1776 the reason it was named common sense was that was all you need to read it. -
Battle of Trenton
Georgia washiton crossed the delware river to take out the german mercenaries Colonists attacked earlier monring why they are still celebrating christmas caputered 896 german men -
Declariton Of Independce
Was wrote by Thomas Jefferson based on john Lochs ideas. Broken down into four differnt parts. -
Battle of saratoga
The british mission was to cut off boston from the rest of the colonies Colonists used guarilla warfare and they had rilfing in the barrels of there gun which mad it more accurate -
Battle of Bunker Hill
It was an assualt on the colonists that happened in three waves the colonist ran out of ammo and had to surrender -
Battle of Yorktown
The colonist won the battle with the help of the french Cornwallis suffered Alot of casulites -
Treaty of Paris
Ended the war and the Brititish got only Canda. (sorry Canda)