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American Revolutionary (Adam)

  • The french & indian war.

    The french & indian war.
    This war provided great powers for great Britain and gave them more power. Britain gained huge territorial gains too! The result of this war was the treaty of Paris and less morale for American soldiers. The French & Indian war led to the American revolutionary war when the war's expenses led to discontent.
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act
    In 1764 Great Britain announced that you had to buy all sugar and molasses in Great Britain. This hurt merchant very badly because they could not sell any of their sugar. If you bought sugar from Britain, it would have taxes on it, and that's why people did not like this act. The Sugar act leads to the American revolutionary war because there are now fewer loyalists and more patriots.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act
    The quartering act was a law where soldiers could just come into anybody's house and eat their food and sleep on their bed. If they did not have a prominent enough place, they would go to an inn or wine sellers. The quartering act was put to an end when The Americans repealed it. The quartering act led to the American Revolutionary war because people were mad that people were coming into their house, and some loyalists turned to patriots.
  • The stamp act.

    The stamp act.
    These taxes were for helping Great Britain pay for the French and Indian war. The king thought that they deserved these taxes because they don't pay expenses on wars. The colonists felt that they had their own legislative, and the king did not have the right to tax them. The Stamp act led to the American Revolutionary war because it annoyed the colonists, and it could've made fewer people support King George.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    In this war, only three died, but eight were wounded and died later. This war was very deadly and scary. The weapons they used were muskets and flintlocks. This war started when nearly 50 people attacked a single British soldier, leading up to the American revolutionary war.
  • Boston Tea party.

    Boston Tea party.
    The reason this occurred is that the taxation on the tea was prohibitive. Americans were also pushing Pushing the message “No taxation without representation.” The organizer of this was Samuel Adams. American Patriots disguised as mohawk Indians as a surprise attack throwing 322 chests of tea into the ocean. The Boston tea party leads up to the American revolutionary war when they made Great Britain mad.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    On September 5th, 1774, the 13 colonies came together and made a letter for King George, saying they have been treated poorly. The letter also said that they would boycott all British goods if they did not treat them better. The First Continental Congress leads up to the American revolution war because the letter made great Britain mad.
  • Lexington & Concord

    Lexington & Concord
    In this battle, 133 people died, 213 were wounded, and 58 people went missing; altogether, 404 people were majorly affected by this war. The Americans won this war, boosting morale for their country, and they drive Brittain to Boston, the start of the American revolutionary war. The Lexington & concord lead up to the American revolutionary war when America moved them to Boston.
  • Battle of trenton.

    Battle of trenton.
    In this war, America won with a surprise attack by George Washington, leading them into battle. Winning this battle boosted morale for his team (and they needed it bad too). More people joined them in fighting because of this win too. On December 24, George and his team were crossing Delaware; by 3 am they were there. The Boston massacre led up to the American revolutionary war because they killed 22 people and wounded 92.
  • The battle of saratoga

    The battle of saratoga
    The battle of saratoga contained two terrible wars, and 90 died in this war, and the British lost 440 men. More than 700 were wounded in these two wars. The battle of saratoga had a huge turning point in the American revolutionary war. The action of saratoga led up to the American revolutionary when America killed over 500 people.
  • The Treaty of Paris/The most important event.

    The Treaty of Paris/The most important event.
    The treaty of Paris was one of the essential things in the American revolutionary war. This treaty ended the 7-year war. The treaty of Paris was significant because it stopped this war from getting crazy dangerous. This lead up to the American revolutionary war because it gave America more soldiers.