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American Revolutionary War

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    George Washington

    George Washington was influential to the Revolution, as he had multiple significant roles. He commanded the Army during the Revolution and oversaw the drafting of the Constitution. Later on, he became the first President of the United States.
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    John Adams

    John Adams was a part of the second Continental Congress meeting and represented Massachusetts. He and the other men prepared an army which they called the Continental Army, and a leader to guide the army (George Washington.) He was important because he helped with decision-making that greatly influenced the rest of the Revolution.
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    Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence and is famous for several quotes throughout the Declaration. Thomas Jefferson is significant because he was a large part of the Declaration of Independence.
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    Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton was an influential writer who helped George Washington with meaningful documents like letters to generals.
  • Start of French and Indian war

    Start of French and Indian war
    Starting in 1754, the French and Indian war formed over multiple disputes between Great Britain, and France. This event is significant because it kickstarted American rebellion.
  • End of French and Indian war

    End of French and Indian war
    Ending in 1763: the French and Indian war created discomfort amongst Americans and birthed the idea of rebelling against the British.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act declared that all documents must include and carry a stamp. These stamps cost money, which upset many Americans. This Stamp Act, including many other acts, made Americans more willing to fight for freedom from the British. In this way, it is significant.
  • Stamp act repealed

    Stamp act repealed
    In 1766 the stamp act was repealed.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend act placed taxes on imported goods. Taxing imported items bothered many people because they didn't get to vote on this decision. Similar to the stamp act, this empowered people to continue rebelling against the British.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the result of a riot that killed five colonists. This event expanded the American's hostility toward the British. In this way, it was significant.
  • Townshend act repealed

    Townshend act repealed
    The Townshend act was repealed on April 12th, 1770 due to protests from Americans.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    On April 27th, 1773, Britain enforced the tea act, which gave the British East India Company control over the tea trade. They exploited this and dominated tea commerce. This influenced Americans to protest against issues that upset them. In this way, this event is significant.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    On December 16th, 1773, a group of colonists raided a ship carrying tea and tossed it overboard. This was a protest against the Tea act, which granted the British East India Company control over the tea trade. This shows Americans' willingness to fight for freedom against the British and is incredibly important to the Revolution.
  • First Continental Congress Meeting

    First Continental Congress Meeting
    The first Continental Congress meeting was to establish how to confront the British government about misrepresentation, and the mistreatment of Americans. This is significant because it shows progress towards independence.
  • Beginning of Revolutionary War - Lexington Concord Battle

    Beginning of Revolutionary War - Lexington Concord Battle
    On April 19th, 1775, the Lexington Concord Battle broke out unexpectedly and began with a single gunshot- otherwise known as the "shot heard around the world." This battle started the Revolutionary war and is significant because of that.
  • Bunker Hill Battle

    Bunker Hill Battle
    After the revolutionary war began, British forces started plotting ways to gain a geographical advantage. They intended to take charge of the terrain around Boston- Bunker and Breeds hill. The British were overpowered, which marked the event of Bunker hill. This is a battle during the Revolution, making it significant because it shows progress throughout the war.
  • Quebec Battle

    Quebec Battle
    The Quebec Battle was an attempt by Americans to gather support from Canadians. This was a large American loss as many were killed, injured, or imprisoned. This battle took place during the Revolution and is significant because it shows progress throughout the war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    On August 2nd the Declaration of Independence was officially signed and endorsed by congress and declared freedom from the British. This event is significant because it shows advancement toward freedom for Americans.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    The battle of long island was a battle won by the British, who had claimed control of New York, causing Americans to evacuate that area. This event is important because it shows progress throughout the war. This event is also influential because it happened right after the Declaration of Independence and resembles rocky beginnings.
  • Battle of trenton

    Battle of trenton
    On Christmas day, George Washington and his troops ventured across the Delaware river for a surprise attack. They were successful, and many Hessians surrendered. This is a battle during the Revolution, making it significant by default.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The British occupied multiple points throughout America, however, the battle of Saratoga presented an American victory- and resulted in British General John Burgoyne's surrender. This event shows American victory and is significant because it shows progress throughout the war
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    the French and Americans become allies

    The French officially recognized Americans as allies. This is important because the french later helped Americans in multiple battles
  • Battle of Monmouth Courthouse

    Battle of Monmouth Courthouse
    The Battle of Monmouth Courthouse was a large win for Americans and is known as the longest battle that took place during the day. It is significant because it shows positive progress towards the end of the war.
  • Siege of Savannah

    Siege of Savannah
    The Siege of Savannah was a battle between the Americans and the British, where the Americans attempted to attain dominance over the terrain that the British claimed. This was a large loss for Americans and is known as one of the more destructive battles when referring to casualties during the Revolutionary war. This battle is significant for that reason.
  • Siege of Charleston

    Siege of Charleston
    The Siege of Charleston was the greatest loss of the war as the British captured Charleston, South Carolina. This is significant for that reason.
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Siege of Yorktown
    The Siege of Yorktown is seen as a large win for American troops, as they successfully caused the British to surrender in Yorktown, Virginia. This event is influential because it officially ended the battling portion of the war.
  • End of Revolutionary War - Treaty of Paris

    End of Revolutionary War - Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris was a document signed by King George III's representatives and American colonies that separated them officially, thus ending the Revolutionary war.