American Revolution Timeline Project

  • Period: to

    French And Indian War

    a war between the french and the British and the British gained all the french territory in north america
  • Sugar act

    First law passed by Parliament to raise tax revenue from the colonies
  • Stamp Act

    an act of the British Parliament for raising revenue in the American Colonies by requiring the use of stamps and stamped paper for official documents, commercial writings, and various articles: it was to go into effect on November 1, 1765, but met with intense opposition and was repealed in March, 1766.
  • The Boston Massacre

    A group began insulting and throwing things at British guards,because they were angry.
  • The Tea Act

    Gave east india the right to sell tea without paying taxes
  • The Boston Tea Party

    Boston got mad about the tea being taxed so the dumped 342 chests of tea into the water.
  • Boston Port Act

    is an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which became law on March 25, 1774, and is one of the measures that were designed to secure Great Britain's jurisdictions over her American dominion
  • The Quartering Act 1774

    an act were Americans were forced to house soldiers and feed them against there will and feed them
  • Patrick Henry's “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech

  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    the first two battle of the revolutionary war
  • Battle of Ticonderoga

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    early stages of the American Revolutionary War
  • George Washington is Named Commander in Chief

  • Thomas Paine Writes Common Sense

    Pamphlet written in common language by Thomas Paine. It publicly made the case for independence from Great Britain (England) and openly asked the colonists to join the cause for independence
  • Declaration of Independence is written and signed by delegates in the Continental Congress

    this is the 1st official document by the states declaring the states and independent and united crountry
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    Battle of Saratoga

    General Burgoyne surrendered to General Gates after almost a month of fighting. It can be separated into two major battles.turning point of american revolution
  • Alliance is Made between the Rebels and the French.

    boosted Americas confidence and they finally had the resources and troops they needed
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    Battle of Yorktown

    was the last major battle of the revolutionary war were Washington and his troops forced Cornwallis to surrender
  • General Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown

    this ends the revolution war
  • Peace Treaty Signed ending the American Revolution recognizing US independence.