American revolution timeline-isabella

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The boston tea party was a pre revolutionary incident . it was a direct protest by colonists in boston harbor and dumped 342 containers of tea into the harbor. the boston tea party was the resentment of boston colonists towards the British which had been fueled by protest activities.
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    French and indian war

    the french and Indian war resulted from ongoing frontier tensions in north america as both french and British imperials fought to extend each country's sphere of influence. British forces where led by abettor colonel George Washington attempted to expel the french in 1754 but were defeated. When word got out that Washington was defeated thomas pelham called a strike. Though the people in the cabinet out maneuvered him by making his plans public, alerting the french and getting ready for war.
  • Sugar act of 1764

    Sugar act of 1764
    The sugar act British law was used to set a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the american colonies which had an impact on the manufacture of rum.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was a British law passed by parliament of great Britain. The stamp act was designed to raise revenue from the american colonies by a duty (tax) in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers and legal or commercial documents.
  • The quartering act

    The quartering act
    The quartering act was passed by parliament of great Britain it was designed to house British soldiers stationed in the american colonies. It was an act mad e for the provisions of British troops to be given food and shelter at the expense of american colonists.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The boston massacre was the tensions rising between the american colonies and British redcoats. It was a crowd that was growing tensions between the British redcoats and the people of boston someone yelled fire and they fired into the crowd killing 3 people then 2 dying because of their wounds.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    The tea act was passed by parliament to launch the final spark of revolutionary movement in boston. it was designed to prop up the east india tea company which would financially flounder and burden them with eighteen million pounds of tea not sold.
  • Boston port act

    Boston port act
    The boston port act was to punish the people of boston for what they did to the Chests of tea. what would be known as the boston tea party.
  • Battles of Lexington and concord

    Battles of Lexington and concord
    The battle of Lexington was a military conflict between the kingdom of great Britain and it's thirteen colonies in north America during the american revolutionary war.The battle at Lexington green in 1775 started the american revolution and the short heard around the world.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The battle of bunker hill was a military conflict between the kingdom of great Britain and Americas 13 colonies. It was during the revolutionary war between 1775 and 1783. The battlefield is where the american and British fought forces, and is located in Charleston Massachusetts. The battle of bunker hill followed the battle of Chelsea creek it was an engagement during the 11 month siege of boston.
  • George Washington Is Named Commander in cheif

    George Washington Is Named Commander in cheif
    The continental congress named George Washington as commander in chief because They were hopeful a leader from Virginia could help unite the colonies.
  • Thomas paine writes common sense

    Thomas paine writes common sense
    paine's political pamphlet brought the rising revolutionary sentiment into sharp focus by placing blame fro the sufering of the colonies directly on the reigning british monarch george third. common sense advocated an immediate declaration of postulating a specail moral obligation of america to the rest of the world.
  • Declaration of Independence is written and signed by delegates in the Continental Congress

    Declaration of Independence is written and signed by delegates in the Continental Congress
    The continental congress served as the government of the american 13 colonies and later the united states. in 1776 it took the momentous step of declaring independence from Britain. The Here are just a few of the delegates that signed the declaration of independence Andrew Adams, john Adams, Samuel Adams, Thomas Adams, Robert Alexander, Andrew Allen, John Alsop, and John Armstrong Jr.
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    The battle of ticonderoga

    Located on lake Champlain in northeastern New York fort Ticonderoga was a a key point to the access of Canada and the Hudson river valley during the french and Indian war. Benedict Arnold of Massachusetts joined Ethan Allen and the mountain boys of Vermont in a dawn attack on the fort surprising and capturing the sleeping British garrison. the battle of fort Ticonderoga was the first american victory.
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    Battle of Saratoga

    The battle of Saratoga had a unique divide and conquer strategy that Burgoyne presented to the British ministers in London was to invade america from Canada by advancing down the Hudson valley to Albany. In June 1777 Burgoyne's army of over 7,000 men departed from st johns on lake Champlain bound for fort Ticonderoga at the southern end of the lake. One of the leaders was James Livingston.
  • Alliance is made between the Rebels and the french

    Alliance is made between the Rebels and the french
    Nowhere was the victory at saratoga more noted than in france which had been tentative in it's efforts to assist the americans. france was interested in the american fight for independence stemmed from france's humiliating defeat during the seven years war. At the hands of its ancient enemy england. Almost immediately after the peace of 1763 it sought in the english colonies to revolt against their mother country the occasion by which we would avenge ourselves upon england.
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    Battle of Yorktown

    General George Washington was commanding a force of 17,000 french and continental troops and begins the siege known as the battle of Yorktown against British general lord Charles Cornwallis. In a stroke of luck for the patriots the french fleet commanded by Francois grasse departed st Domingue for the Chesapeake bay just as corn Wallis choose Yorktown. The army who won this battle was the patriots.
  • General Cornwallis surrenders

    General Cornwallis surrenders
    America declared it independence in 1766 but it took five years to win freedom from brtish. general cornwallis brought up 8,000 british troops to yorktown. that was lucky for george washington and the continental army they then found their oppurtunity to beat the world's largest empire. george had help from the french troops led by general jean rochambeau. Together they had 17,000 soldiers to take yorktown. surrendered by french american troops, general cornwallis had no choice but to surrender.
  • Peace Treaty Signed ending the American Revolution recognizing US independence.

    Peace Treaty Signed ending the American Revolution recognizing US independence.
    The treaty of paris was signed in 1783 between the united states and great britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized american independence. the continental congress was a five people comission to negotiate a treaty john adams benjamin franklin, john jay, thomas jefferson and henry laurens.
  • Patrick Henry's,"Give me liberty or give me death." speech

    Patrick Henry's,"Give me liberty or give me death." speech
    March 23,1775 Patrick Henry made one of the most famous calls to arms in american history. During a meeting of the second Virginia convention at StJohns church in Richmond the 38yr old lawyer and politician gave an impassioned plead urging the olddominion to form militia to defend itself against the British. Henry's brief address which closed with the incendiary line give me liberty or give me death made the convention be in his favor. His words soon became a cry rally during the march to war.