American Revolution Timeline

  • French- Indian War (1756-1763)

    French- Indian War (1756-1763)
    A war fought between France and Britain over the claim of the Ohio River Valley.
  • Navigation Acts 1763

    Navigation Acts 1763
    Acts of British Parliament passed to restrict trading partnerships between America and other countries and to keep colonial trade within their empire.
  • Stamp Act 1765- 1766

    Stamp Act 1765- 1766
    Tax colonies had to pay on printed materials.
  • Quartering Act 1765- 1767

    Quartering Act 1765- 1767
    Act passed that meant colonists had to house and feed British soldiers.
  • Townshend Acts 1767- 1770

    Townshend Acts 1767- 1770
    Tax on paper, tea, lead, paint, and glass.
  • Boston Massacre 1770

    Boston Massacre 1770
    Riot in Boston on March 5, 1770. British soldiers fired on a group of unarmed protesters killing five men and injuring six.
  • Boston Tea Party 1773

    Boston Tea Party 1773
    Angry Boston colonists disguised as Indians, dumped 342 chest of tea in the Boston Harbor as a protest against british taxes.
  • Intolerable Acts( Coercive Acts) 1774-1775

    Intolerable Acts( Coercive Acts) 1774-1775
    4 laws passed by Parliament to punish the colonists for Boston Tea Party.
    1. Closed Boston Harbor until all the destroyed tea was paid for.
    2. Banned town meetings.
    3. Allowed British official or soldier accused of crime to go to Britain for trail instead of Massachusetts.
    4. New quartering act that allowed British soldiers to live in colonist homes.
  • Olive Branch Petition 1775

    Olive Branch Petition 1775
    A petition sent to the King from congress asking to settle their differences peacefully.
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord (aka “The Shot Heard Around the World”) 1775

    Battle of Lexington & Concord (aka “The Shot Heard Around the World”) 1775
    Battle between the colonists and British troops. When British troops marched on Concord to confiscate military supplies from the colonists. The colonists met them in Lexington and they started fighting.
  • Second Continental Congress 1775- 1781

    Second Continental Congress 1775- 1781
    They discussed how to defend the colonies, conduct war, and build a government.Established and army and named George Washington it's commander of the military.
  • Common Sense 1776

    Common Sense 1776
    Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine promoting independence from Great Britain to the colonies and hopes of convincing the public for a change in government.
  • Declaration of Independence 1776

    Declaration of Independence 1776
    Document written by Thomas Jefferson announcing the 13 colonies separation from British rule.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Served as the first constitution of the United States. Document officially established the government of the 13 states.
  • Daniel Shays’ Rebellion 1786- 1787

    Daniel Shays’ Rebellion 1786- 1787
    Uprising led by Daniel Shays in an effort to prevent courts from foreclosing farms of who could not pay the taxes.
  • Constitutional Convention (aka Philadelphia Convention)

    Constitutional Convention (aka Philadelphia Convention)
    Meeting of delegates in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation.