American Revolution Timeline

  • Navigation act 1

    Navigation act 1
    Restricted trade to England and decreased dependency on foreign goods.
  • Navigation act 2

    Navigation act 2
    Restricted trade to England and decreased dependency on foreign goods.
  • French and Indian war ends

    French and Indian war ends
    War between Britain and France, who were both supported by various Native American tribes.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    Taxed items like newspapers and pamphlets
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    9 British soldiers were being harassed and attacked by a mob. The soldiers opened fire and shot and killed 5 people.
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    Granted the right for merchants to sell tea directly to the colonies instead of landing in Britain first. It made tea cheaper even with the taxes.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Political protests in Boston over “taxation without representation”. Colonists dumped boxes of tea into the harbor in protest.
  • Coercive/intolerable acts

    Coercive/intolerable acts
    4 Acts meant to punish colonists for the Boston tea party.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    Meeting between the Dekanates from the 12 of the 13 colonies. They decided to boycott British goods.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Meeting to make a provisional government to make decisions about the war.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    First military engagement of the revolutionary war. The initial purpose of the British troops was to suppress possible rebellion, but they were engaged by colonists.
  • Declaration of Independence adopted

    Declaration of Independence adopted
    The Declaration of Independence from Britain.Adopted by the second continental congress.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Winter camp for the main body of the U.S army led by George Washington. Many soldiers died due to shortages of food and supplies. They soldier came out more unified than ever.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Decisive battle for the U.S during the revolutionary war. The victory secured foreign support and boosted morale.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The surrender of Cornwallis to Washington effectively ended the war. The battle was a very long and brutal battle.
  • U.S constitution written

    U.S constitution written
    The Declaration of Independence from Britain.Adopted by the second continental congress.
  • Us constitution adopted

    Us constitution adopted
    This document established the government of the U.S.A