American Revolution Timeline

  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    This act was passed by Parliament in 1764 taxing Sugar and Coffee,
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The taxing of any paper product including Newspapers, Playing cards etc.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British Soldiers in Boston opened fire on a crowd that was pelting them with snow balls (and rocks). 5 people died in the incident
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Some colonists hurled a cargo of British tea into a harbor to protest a tax on Tea.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    Tensions between the colonist and British finally erupted into war at the Battle of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. This war became known as the American Revolution. The Continental Congress met again to form an army and named George Washington as their commander.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    In 1776, the Second continental congress met and voted to declare independence from Britain. Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    An 18 day battle which was turning to the point of the American Revolution. British General John Burgoyne achieved a small, but costly victory over American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold.
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    British Surrender at Yorktown
    British General Charles Cornwallis surrendered his troops in Yorktown, Virginia. General Cornwallis brought 8,000 British troops to Yorktown. They expected help from British ships sent from New York. The British ships never arrived. That was lucky for General George Washington and the Continental army. The thirteen colonies found their opportunity to beat the world's largest empire.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    A convention that took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for 4 months in 1787
  • Ratification of the US constitution

    Ratification of the US constitution
    The majority of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention approved the documents over which they had labored since May 1787