American Revolution Timeline

  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the first event leading up to the Revolutionary war. The Boston Massacre happened on March 5th,1770. The King George sent a group of British Soldiers to stop the riots happening in Boston, Massachusetts. The Colonists kept daring the soldiers to shoot them. One of the soldiers shot one of the colonists. The colonist's name was Crispus Attucks,and it turned out that he was the first person to die in the American Revolution.
  • The Most Important Event

    I believe the most important event of the American Revolution is the Boston Massacre. I think this due to it being the first event to kick off the American Revolution. If we think about it if the Boston Massacre never happened we could have never had the Independence we have today. If King George never sent the British soldiers to stop the riots then Cripus Attakus would've lived,and the colonists would possibly stay as Loyalists.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was the first event to happen due to a taxation act. The taxation act was the Tea Act. On Dec 16th,1773 a ship was holding tea for the British.,and was getting ready to ship off. The colonists were quite mad at the British for making this taxation. Because of that on one night a few colonists dressed as native Indians,and dumped all the tea on the ship into the harbor. They dressed as native Indians because in the French,and Indian War the British had native Indian allies.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress took place in the Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania between Sept 5th - Oct 26th 1774. The Congress encouraged many colonies to train militias in case of a British attack. Delegates from all 13 colonies had come to the First Continental Congress except Georgia who was fighting a Native Indian uprising,and was relying on England to take care of supplies. During the Congress George Wash. and his troops did not go thinking it was a trap by the English.
  • The Battle of Lexington,and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington,and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington,and Concord took place on April 19th, 1775 in Massachusetts. The battle is known to be the battle that kicked of the American Revolution. The tension between the colonies had been building up in the past years mostly in Massachusetts. The battle is also called The Shot heard round the world which means that this battle is the first battle with gun fire. During the battle there was 77 militias ,and 400 British soldiers,but the militias had come out victorious.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill happened on June 11th, 1775 in Charleston, Massachusetts. The battle is also sometimes called battle of breed's hill. This battle is also the first major battle of The American Revolutionary war. The Patriot's commander of the battle had said "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." The commander had said that due to them having very little ammunition. The battle ended with the Patriots retreating due to them having very little ammunition.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania by 56 people. Thomas Jefferson was the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence after a few drafts. The Declaration included a list of grievances that the colonies faced. The Declaration also included a letter of separation from England. The Declaration of Independence is also sometimes called the Second Continental congress.
  • The battle of Trenton

    The battle of Trenton
    The battle of Trenton happened on Dec 26, 1776 in Trenton, New Jersey. The battle happened due to the Patriots being stuck in Valley Forge,New Jersey for 2 years due to the severe weather. George Washington,and his troops were the ones stuck in Valley Forge. Many troops died to disease. The battle is happened when they had decided to ambush a nearby German outpost. Against all odds they won,and captured 900+ Hessians. This victory lead them to the out of Valley Forge,and boosted their Morale.
  • The Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga occurred on Sept 19th, 1777 - Oct 17th, 1777 in Saratoga county, New York. The battle ended by the British surrendering to the Patriots. The battle was a turning point for the Patriots because it showed that the Patriots can win against all odds. After this battle Benjamin Franklin was able to convince the French to help the Patriots defeat England. The French helped the Patriots due to the French,and Indian war which France lost to England.
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown took place on Sept 28th - Oct 19th 1781 in Yorktown, Virginia. The battle ended by General Cornwallis surrendering to the Patriot,and French army. Over 8,000 Americans ,and 8,000 fought against England. The commander leading the French was Marquis de Lafayette. The Commander leading most of the Americans was Alexander Hamilton.
  • Signing the Treaty of Paris

    Signing the Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was signed on Sept 3rd, 1783 in Paris, France. The Treaty had officially ended the American Revolutionary war. The treaty was signed by representatives of America,England,and France. The Treaty recognized the United States as an independent nation. One representative of the U.S who signed the treaty was Benjamin Franklin due to the French respecting him when he was an Ambassador for the U.S