
American Revolution Timeline

  • The Elightenment

    The Elightenment
    The Enlightenment began when a lot of people started to find ways to understand Earth through science and reason. Influential enlightenment thinkers who published their works are mostly credited with sparking the Enlightenment.
  • The French & Indian War

    The French & Indian War
    The French and Indian War was a history of the 7 Years' War, which put the North American colonies of the British Empire versus the French. Each side being appraised by multiple Native American tribes.
  • The Stamp Act of 1765

    The Stamp Act of 1765
    The stamp act of 1765 made the colonists pay a tax initiated by a stamp. This was usually printed on papers, forms, documents, and playing cards.
  • The Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty was a loose, clandestine, sometimes lethal, political group active in the Thirteen American Colonies created to advance the rights of the colonists and to get rid of taxation by the British government.
  • The Townshend Act of 1767

    The Townshend Act of 1767
    To pay the costs involved in governing the American colonies, Parliament initiated the Townshend Acts. Which passed taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a huge objection in which a mass of 60 American colonists threw 342 boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor to propose against a tax on tea.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    The objective of the First Continental Congress was a compact with the colonies to steer clear of British goods. unless parliament should revoke the Intolerable Acts.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battles of Lexington & Concord
    The first battle of the Revolutionary War, takin place in Massachusetts on April 19, 1775. British troops had marched from Boston to Lexington and Concord to take the colonists' military supplies and to take revolutionaries into custody.
  • Second Continental Congress meets

    Second Continental Congress meets
    The Second Continental Congress took place inside the Independence Hall. It was a month after shots fired at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, and the Congress was ready for war.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill began on June 17, 1775 during the take of Boston in the number one stage of the American Revolutionary War. The battle was derived after Bunker Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts, which was incidentally involved.
  • Olive Branch Petition sent to England

    Olive Branch Petition sent to England
    The Petition encourages loyalty to the British crown and proclaimed their rights as British citizens. The Congress met according to adjournment.
  • Thomas Paine’s Common Sense published

    Thomas Paine’s Common Sense published
    Paine's creative arguments were simple. He insisted on two main points the first being freedom from England and the second being the formation of a democratic republic.
  • Articles of Confederation created

    Articles of Confederation created
    The Articles of Confederation were taken on by the Continental Congress. This important document is the United States' first constitution.
  • The Great Compromise

    The Great Compromise
    Under the Great Compromise, each state would receive 2 representatives in the Senate. A certain number of spokesperson in the House in amount to its population according to the decennial U.S. poll.
  • Bill of Rights adopted

    Bill of Rights adopted
    Three-fourths of the existing State legislatures comfirmed the first ten Amendments of the Constitution. These Amendments save some of the most essential rights and liberties that make us as Americans.