
American revolution timeline

  • stamp act of 1765

    their was a stamp tax. americans did not like the tax.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    Americans threw tea into the boston harbor. they were mad at england.
  • the intolerable acts

    they are a series of laws passed by England. they were to punish the colonists.
  • second continental congress

    they made george washington comander of the continental army. they issued the decloration of independance
  • battle of trennton

    was fought in new york. colonist win.
  • battle of camden

    battle of camden
    it was a battle at camden. nearly 2000 patriots died
  • battle of yorktown

    the battle was in yorktown. the americans beat the british.
  • treaty of Paris

    it was signed in Paris. it ended the revolutionary war
  • 3/5th compromise

    3 out of 5 slaves would be counted for population. this agreement was to get constitution
  • great compromise

    an agreement between large and small states. this formed our new goverment.
  • constitutiona convention

    colonist met to draw up the consittoution. they met up in philidelphia
  • constitution is ratified

    the constitution was signed in Philadelphia. this was know as articles of confederation
  • decoration of independance adopted

    where they agreed to adopt the constitoution. also inclueded bill of rights
  • bill of rights adopted

    theyre the first 10 amendments. these are the rights given to americans.