American Revolution timeline

By sray01
  • the french and Indian war

    the french and Indian war
    The competition between Great Britain and France for land in North America. As part of the larger Seven Years War in Europe, colonists and Indians were caught up in a bitter struggle that eventually deprived the French of Canada and the Indians of much of their land. North Carolina colonists and the Cherokee fought first as allies, then as enemies.
  • the proclamation of 1763

    the proclamation of 1763
    King George III banned colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian mountains. It was the first measure to affect all thirteen colonies. The edict forbade private citizens and colonial governments alike from buying land or making any agreements with natives; the empire would conduct all official relations.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    taxes on imports to British colonies in North America. In doing so, the act marked a change in British colonial policy an empire-shaking change from commercial and trade regulation only, to taxation by Parliament. There was an earlier Sugar Act that established a foundation for the act of 1764.
  • taxes

    Britain was in a recession after a war, so it created taxes for the colonists in America. The British Parliament put taxes on sugar and molasses and enforced tax collection. The Stamp Act was created but later repealed, and the Townsend Acts caused frustration that led to a colonial revolt.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The event in Boston helped to unite the colonies against Britain. What started as a minor fight became a turning point in the beginnings of the American Revolution. The Boston Massacre helped spark the colonists' desire for American independence, while the dead rioters became martyrs for liberty.
  • The Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party
    American colonists dumped shiploads of tea into the water to protest a British tax on tea. This event was important because it fueled the tension that had already begun between Britain and America.The cause of the Intolerable Acts was King George was furious about the Boston Tea Party and closed the harbor and took away their self government until all the tea was paid for.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    king George lll passed the Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts. The first act was known as the Boston Port Bill and it allowed the Boston Port to be closed until the colonists help pay for the tax on the tea. The Massachusetts Government Act made it so people could not hold meetings without the Governors permission.
  • Boston blockade

    Boston blockade
    The Boston Port Act was designed to punish the inhabitants of Boston, Massachusetts for the incident that would become known as the Boston Tea Party.All of the colonies decided that the King was wrong to close Boston’s port and starve its citizens. They began to send supplies to Boston; rice, sheep, money and clothing were all sent to the city by land so that Boston’s people could eat and stay warm.
  • Continental congress

    Continental congress
    The Continental Congress was the governing body by which the American colonial governments coordinated their resistance to British rule during the first two years of the American Revolution. Formally severed ties with Britain by adopting the Declaration of Independence, which severed the colonies ties with Great Britain.
  • The declaration of independence

    The declaration of independence
    American democracy because first it contains the ideals or goals of our nation. it contains the complaints of the colonists against the British king. it contains the arguments the colonists used to explain why they wanted to be free of British rule.