George Washingtion Appointed General
George Washington led the war against Great Brittan and successfully won, By doing this many saw him as a strong leader and her was very involved with the country. He was elected the first President of the untied states. -
Stamp Act
The French and Indian War was expensive to Britain. The national debt doubled and the cost of military protection for the North American colonies had soared.The act required the use of stamped paper for legal documents, diplomas, newspapers and playing cards. The stamp on these items was to be proof that the tax had been paid. Funds added up from this tax were to be earmarked solely for the support of British soldiers protecting the American colonies -
Protest of Stamp Act
When the Stamp act was passed by taxing people on all these different things people did not like it and they were surprised they passed it but they did so people would protest against it all the protesting eventually led to the Boston tea party -
Committees of Correspondence Established
In the 1770's american patriots did not have good ways of communication, The documents and publications werent just all the writing there were letters, pamphlets, and newspaper editorials. To spread the power of the written word from town to town and colony to colony, committees of correspondence were established. The first committee was made by Sameul Adams. Adams enabled the entire Massachusetts citizenry to have access to patriot text. -
Gaspee Affair
The Bristish sent custom patrol ships to watch the North American waters. The commander of the Gaspee shipwas hated by most people because he searched ships without a warent and had his crew get food without paying for it. When things got bad 150 colonists burned the ship. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston tea party was when they Had taxes on every thing the taxes just kept rising and rising and more and more things got taxed until they started to tax tea this is when the colonists started to get very angry and this was the line for the colonists and a group of colonists on night went on to a tea boat and threw all the tea in to the Boston harbor. This was to show the government that they can’t just tax them on every thing. -
Coercive Acts
other wise known as the Intolerable acts, These were laws passed by the British government about what to do about the colonies this is when we became the united states. -
Proclamation for suppressing rebellion and sedition
The document was issued by George III. In summer 1775 conditions in the british colonies in north america had reached a near frenzy. after a long time increasing tensions exsisted to deprive them of their rights. Their war was of words and harrassment that mutated into weapons. -
First continental congress
The americans were fed up and the acts were intolerable and they couldnt stand them. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
British troops were sent to Concord to get John Hanncock and Samuel Adams, but both men were warned about the British Attack. When the British came to attack the minutemen were ready to fight because Paul Revere already went through Concord to warn everybody. A shot got fired but nobody knew who it was that shot it. The British then fired at the minutemen. -
Paul Revere's Ride
Paul Revere was instructed to ride to Lexington by Dr. Joseph Warren to warn Sameul Adams and John Hancock that the British troops were marching to arrest them. On the way to Lexington, Revere warned the country-side, while stopping at each house, and arrived in Lexington at about midnight and gave them the message. -
British Evacuate Boston
After the Battle of Bunker Hill the British took it over George Washington formed an army to reclaim the hill. It worked the British evacuated thus making this event British Evacuate Boston -
Second Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress was when there was a meeting and one person from each colonie went to and would think of ideas. After many meeting finally they had publish the declaration of independence. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
The colonists and the British were fighting it took place at bunker hill when the British planed a attack against the colonists in Boston sadly many life’s were loft at the battle of Bunker Hill and the British won. -
Olive Branch Petition
What the Olive Branch Petition is was a Petition to try to no go into full war with Great Brittan and the Petition was unsuccessful because rejected by the King George III. -
British Pulled out of Virginia
This is when the Brittish lost power of Virginia -
Common Sense Published
Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. The plain language that Paine used spoke to the common people of America and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain. -
Writing of the declaration of independence
they worked on the declaration for a very long time, they had many drafts and arguments about it until it was published. -
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence. It said how the people wanted individuality. In the Declaration of Independence it explained the justifacatons for separation from the British crown, also it said that the thirteen colonies were "free and independent states".