American Revolution Related Events Timeline

  • Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773) -Gandhi's Salt March (March-April, 1930)

    An event similar to the Boston Tea Party was Gandhi's Salt March. Gandhi's Salt March took place because Britain prohibited Indians from selling or collecting salt. Gandhi got many people with him to march to Dandi in protest of this act. These two events are similar because both groups protested because of an act that Britain made over a resource that was essential to that area. Both events were also one of the first steps towards freedom for that country.
  • Shot Heard Round the World - Dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima(

    An event similar to the shot heard round the world is the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. In 1945, President Truman dropped and atomic bomb on Hiroshima, which brought the war to a much faster end. These two events are related because the shot heard round the world was one single thing, that was key to starting the American Revolution. The dropping of the atomic bomb was one thing that was a major part of ending WWII. One thing that started a war, and one that ended it.
  • French and Indian War - Madrid Accords

    One event that is similar to the French and Indian War is the signing of the Madrid Accords. The Madrid Accords were when Sain agreed to end it's presence in the West Sahara. These events are similar because both were a dispute over territory, and ended in one side getting the territory and one side losing it. The French and Indian War may have been handled more violently, but both of these were land disputes.
  • Stamp Act - Increased tax on tobacco in the U.S

    One event that is similar the Stamp Act is the increasing of the tax on tobacco. In January of 1992, the federal tax on cigarettes was raised to 20 cents per pack. It was previously 16 cents. The is similar to the Stamp Act because both raised the taxes on a widely used product.