British grenadier

American Revolution - Jayda per4

  • Introduction

    The colonies were experiencing a lot of trouble because of unfair ation,there was also lack of representation in the British Parliament, and the restriction of colonial freedoms. Even so, less than one-thrid of the colonists really wanted independce from Britain.
  • Colony of Massachusettes

    Colony of Massachusettes
    The situation grew worse when the king declared the colony of Massachusetes to be in open rebelliion and commanded that Boston's main patriot leader Samuel Adams and John Hancock be arrested for treason. A short time later, soldiers were ordered to seize American weapons and gunpowder being stored in the town of Concord, Massachusetts.
  • Lexington and Concord: Outbreak of the Revoulutionary War

    Lexington and Concord: Outbreak of the Revoulutionary War
    The redcoat went to search for weapons in Concord. Once they knew the redcoats were coming Paul Revere and three riderws raced off to warn people along the way. The next morning 70 Minutemen confronted the redcoats.
  • The Second Continental Congress Begins

    The Second Continental Congress Begins
    Representatives from the thirteen colonist formed the Second Continental Congress that would serve an emergency goverment throughout the war. They formed this two weeks after the outbreak of wer.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was the second, and the bloodiest, battle of the Revolutionary War. It started after American militiamen constructed a crude dirt fort at night atop a hill in Charles Town overlooking Bostons harbor.
  • Washington Takes Command In Boston

    Washington Takes Command In Boston
    A month after the American defeat at Bunker Hill, General Washington took command of the militias around Boston. His plan was to drive the redcoats from the city if Britain refused to accept Americas's offer of peace.
  • Washington Takes Command In Boston

    Washington Takes Command In Boston
    The cannon were in boston and 12 were pointed directlyu at the enemy. Realizing their postion was hopeless, the british dumped their own cannons into the harbor and saild off to the safety of Canada
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    America's most famuous historical document, declaring that America must be independent to form a new, demorcratic, nation. On Fourth of July 1776 the Declaration of Independence was presented to congress, and men stepped forward to sign their names to the document for all of them reconized the great importance, and danger, of what they were doing
  • The Last Battle of the Revolutionary War

    The Last Battle of the Revolutionary War
    A large force of british troops led General Cornwallis had reached Yorktown, Virginia, a old tobacco port near the Chesapeake Bay. Thats where the last battle of the Revolutionary War was to be fought.
  • The Last Battle

    The Last Battle
    The American and French troops was causing them very heacy casualties. Then the shooting stopped and they surrendered.