Imgres 26

american revolution jasper 2013

  • the molasses act of 1733

    the molasses act of 1733
    The molasses act said that that the colonies had to pay six pence per gallon when importing foreign molasses.The colonies mostly evaded the tax and so the british first lord of the treasury put more navy presence in the colonies. This act was followed by the sugar act of 1764.
  • French and indian war

    French and indian war
    The French and indian war began with the battle of jumonville glen where millitiamen under George Washington ambushed a French patrol. At the time, George washington who was soon to be fighting bloody battles against the brits, fought with them. The British ended up winning the war but losing the land to the US soon after.
  • Period: to

    French and indian war

    The french and indian war was fought between the french and british over territory in america.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The colonies had just sacrificed many men and women but had ended up winning the 7 years war for the British. The British parliament then decided to make westward expansion into the lands they won not allowed. The act said that the area from the Ohio to Missisippi rivers were off limits to colonists.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    The british parliament put a tax on sugar in 1764. This tax was lower than thee unsuccessful molasses act which hardly raised any money. The british reduced the tax by half hoping to actually collect it. The act was passed during a time of depression and made the colonies suffer even more.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    The stamp act was an act that required the colonists to pay a tax on any type of paper they used. Newspapers, legal papers, and even playing cards were taxed. The reason for this tax was to protect the area around the Appalachian mountains.
  • Townshend acts

    Townshend acts
    The townshend acts were a series of acts that were sponsored by Charles Townshend. They began with the revenue act of 1767 and included the indemnity act and the New tork restraining act. They resulted in the Boston massacre.
  • The Boston massacre

    The Boston massacre
    The Boston massaacre occured when colonists began harrasing some British soldiers with snowballs, ice, clubs and about anything else in reach. The soldiers fired into the crowd, killing some colonists. This is veiwed as a foreshadowing of the war.
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    On December 16, 1773, in Boston harbor, men drressed as natives stormed aboard British tea ships, rounded up the crews, and dumped the tea into boston harbor. This is one of the most remembered reactions to the tea act.
  • the intolerable acts

    the intolerable acts
    The intolerable acts were britains response to the boston tea party. The intolerable acts said that any british soldier accused of murder was to be transported to britain. The British millitary was now more in charge of massachusets and British officers could garrison their troops in private dwellings.
  • 1st continental congress

    1st continental congress
    The 1st continental congress was called in respnse to the intolerable acts. There were 56 members of the congress. They met to organize boycotts and other actions against the british government. It was disbanded around may 10,1775.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    It all started when British forces were given orders to destroy millitia supplies apparently at concord. At sunrise, the first shots were fired at lexington. The battle there was short. The minutemen fell back as the vritish regulars advanced to concord. There, 500 minutemen defeated 3 companies of british troops. This was the beginning of the american revolution. this battle gave rise to the phrase 'The shot heard round the world' and has ben used much ever since.
  • 2nd continental congress

    2nd continental congress
    This congress followed the disbanding of the first continental congress. It controlled the colonies' war effort. Delegates from all but georgia came at the first meeting but later had one from all of them. The reason why georgia didn't send a delegate was that it had not participated in the first congress. It was disbanted in early 1781.
  • The battle of bunker hill

    The battle of bunker hill
    The battle of breed's hill was misnamed bunker hill. It was a near victory for the americans. They shot up the first 2 waves of british regulars but ran out of ammunition on the 3rd. They then had to retreat and the hill was secured by the british.
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    The declaration of independence was a document written and signed by the 1st continental congress. The document was written by a group of 5 men including John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. One of the famed signers of the declaration was John Hancock, whose signature is the largest.
  • Crossing the delaware

    Crossing the delaware
    George Washington decided to attack the city of trenton which was held by the hessians after christmas. The hessians were mostly drunk and were sleeping when the Continental Army crossed the icy, stormy, delaware river. The ice and wind made it almost impossible to cross but the boats made it across and secured two victories at trenton.
  • Beginning of the war of 1812

    Beginning of the war of 1812
    The war of 1812 was a continuation of the american revolution and started on this date when the U.S. declared war against Britian once more.