Stamp act.
The 1765 Stamp Act required colonists to pay a tax (in the form of a stamp) on printed documents, various licenses, and other goods. Colonists rebelled and terrorized British tax collectors -
Townshend Acts
The Townshend Act of 1767 authorized Parliament to issue taxes on in-demand imports such as glass, lead, paint, paper and tea. British soldiers had to be brought into Boston to prevent an uprising. -
Boston Massacre
Tension over the presence of British troops in Boston led to the Boston Massacre, the first episode which resulted in the loss of life. Four Bostonians were killed when Redcoats fired into an angry mob. -
Burning of the Gaspee
colonists went out in rowboats and burned the Gaspee a British revenue ship. -
Revolutionary war begins
Revolutionary war begins with "shot heard around the world"in Lexington and a few days later. in Concord. The British were looking for ammunition from colonists when skirmish began. -
200 british mariners
200 British manners including German Hessians landed on Jamestown and burned 20 homes. -
John Eldredge one gun battery
A true Patriot, provoked British ships that were terrorizing Narragansett Bay by shooting pot shots at them. -
RI General Assembly.
Two months before the singing of the Declaration of Independence, the RI General Assembly renounced allegiance to Great Britain -
Jamestown deserted Beavertail
Jamestown deserted, British took over Beavertail, Fort Wetherill and Fort Dumplings -
General Cornwallis
General Cornwallis surrendered, the war ended. -
Revolutionary War ended
When the war ended,French help rebuild the island.