American Revolution- Leonhard

  • End of the French Indian War

    The French Indian war ends on 1763 with the French losing the war
  • Sugar Act

    laws that taxed goods such as sugar, tea, cloth that were coming to the colonies. Colonists found this act unfair
  • Stamp Act

    Laws that made it so colonists had to pay tax for every printed material. Like the sugar act, this would upset the colonists
  • Townshend Acts

    Laws that taxed imported goods such as paper,glass,tea,and other goods
  • Boston Massacre

    When being harassed by protesters, British soldiers opened fire on protesters and killed 5 people. The incident would be used by colonists who did not support British rule as propaganda
  • Boston Tea Party

    A protest against the unfair taxation by the British done by dumping crates of tea overboard
  • Intolerable Acts

    Laws passed by the British that enforced the punishment on colonists who protested British rule
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The first battles of the American Revolution
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    A battle that concluded with a patriot victory
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  • Battles of Saratoga

    Battles where British officers were targeted and killed by Revolutionary marksmen who used Guerrilla Warfare against the British. Washington's forces would win the battles and more British soldiers died then Revolutionist soldiers.
  • Howe Captures Philadelphia

    Howe and his forces capture Philadelphia from the patriots
  • Articles of confederation

    the first document that stated the government of the United States would run with all the states being independent on most decisions and the continental congress would handle things like foreign affairs. This government failed to get a lot of things done
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    State Constitutions

    Each state has it's own constitutions.
  • Congress prohibits the importation of slaves

    Thomas Jefferson introduces a new law that would prohibit the importation of enslaved Africans.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Valley Forge was place where Washington's army camped at for the winter of 1778. Many soldiers would suffer from the harsh winter, hunger, and disease
  • Spain declares war on Great Britain.

    Spain declares war on Britain in 1779
  • John Paul Jones and the Serapis

    John Paul Jones and his fleet defeat the British ship called the Serapis which was a very good ship
  • British capture Charles town

    British successfully capture Charleston,
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    The British forces at Yorktown surrender during the battle of the Yorktown leading to a colonial victory there.
  • Period: to

    Plans for first Fed. Tax

  • Treaty of Paris

    A treaty signed in Paris that ended the American Revolution with a British defeat.
  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

    Spain closes the lower Mississippi River to Americans making settlers and navigators outraged
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    This was set up on how the settlement of new territories would be done.
  • Northwest ordinance

    This charted a government of Northwest territory and at what point territories can become states.
  • Shays rebellion

    An armed uprising in Western Massachusetts lead by Daniel Shays.
  • Convention

  • Signing of the Constitution

    The constitution is signed by representatives of the states
  • Delaware approves constitution

    Delaware becomes the first state to approve the constitution
  • New Hampshire ratifies constitution

    New Hampshire ratifies the constitution
  • Land act of 1800

    This gave opportunity for people to buy land in the Northwest territories from the government.