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American Revolution

  • Battle at Saratoga

    Battle at Saratoga
    This battle was the first American victory in 2 years, since the start of Revolutionary War. The victory proved to the French that America was serious about this war. Also, this battle was the turning point in the war. The armies would now move from North to South to fight battles.
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce / Treaty of Alliance

    Treaty of Amity and Commerce / Treaty of Alliance
    The battle at Saratoga showed the French that America was serious about the war. Therefore, two treaties between France and America were created. The Treaty of Amity and Commerce encouraged trade between the two countries. Also, it basically said that the French would have our backs in this war as long as if they ever went to war with Britain we would have their backs too. The Treaty of Alliance was a promise for mutual defense and military supplies.
  • Battle at Yorktown

    Battle at Yorktown
    This battle was between US & French vs. Britain. This was the last battle during the American Revolution. Washington got word that Britain was leaving the south and heading to Virginia, because they were in need of more supplies. The French navy cut the British off and then proceeded to capture the troops. This caused Cornwallis, Britain's leader, to surrender.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Article 1: Named the country United States of America
    Article 2: Each state is in charge- sovereignty This was the United States first form of government- soon to change at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. There was no longer a central person in charge (a king). Now, the government is ran by elected officials.
  • Peace of Paris (Peace Treaty)

    Peace of Paris (Peace Treaty)
    This treaty was negotiated between the United States and Britain. This was the official ending of the Revolutionary War. This documentation showed America's independence from Great Britain. This also gave the U.S. land to the Mississippi river. Now colonist were "looking West" instead of at Britain for loyalty.