American Revolution

  • 1763

    This year was known as the “Treaty of Paris”. The British win control of the majority of United States up to the Mississippi River along with Canada going to Britain which will strengthen their empire. How this happen is because the Great War of General Wolfe’s death caused a lot of debt to the British afterwards.
  • 1765

    This period is mostly known for the “Stamp Act”. King George the third was determined to forcefully make Americans obedient because he had imposed taxation to the colonies in need of “support” for their mercantilism policy.
  • 1774

    In this year the event called “Intolerable Acts” occurred, also known as “Coercive Acts” to the British. These acts were the Boston Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, Quartering Act, Quebec Act. In each of these acts had a impact on the colonies opinion about the British rulers and their rights.
  • 1776

    On this very year was when the Declaration of Independence was made and signed once the Americans won their right to be a nation in United States. This document was originally drafted by Thomas Jefferson yet it didn’t cover women rights or slaves. John Locke’s philosophy was evident in the document; “Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness”. Government only exists to protect individual rights and people can overthrow them if they do not do so.
  • 1781

    The event that happened during this year was the Battle of Yorktown. British was fighting up against America, France, Netherlands, and Holland. The Americans and French teamed up to trap General Cornwallis army at Yorktown.
  • 1783

    Also another event involved with the “Treaty of Paris” again. This ended the American Revolution while at the time Benjaminen Franklin was the chief negotiator and the territory gained was much larger than before including the thirteen colonies.
  • 1787

    What happened in this very year was the Constitution of United States established the nation’s government, fundamental laws, and guaranteed basic rights for its citizens.
  • 1865

    Within this year happened quite a few things. Starting with the American civil war at its end with the surrender of confederate states as slavery is over! Yet sadly Abraham Lincoln’s death.