American Revolution - Darnell

  • The French and Indian war

    The French and Indian war
    The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. The
    French received all land from the Mississippi River west, while the British received all land from the Mississippi River east.
  • The sugar act

    The sugar act
    The sugar act caused sugar being imported to be taxed
  • The stamp act

    The stamp act
    The stamp act caused colonists to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.
  • The end of the stamp act.

    The end of the stamp act.
    After the stamp act was passed, one year later it was repealed.
  • the declaratory acts

    the declaratory acts
    shortly after the stamp act was repealed, the declaratory acts were passed asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies.
  • The townshed acts

    The townshed acts
    New taxes on imports of paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea.
  • Most Townshend acts repealed

    Most Townshend acts repealed
    In March 1770, most of the taxes from the Townshend Acts were repealed by Parliament as American port cities refused to import British goods.
  • The boston massacare

    The boston massacare
    British soldiers kill 5 men in a crowd throwing snowballs, stones and sticks at them
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    American colonists, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing taxation without representation, dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.
  • The intolerable acts

    The intolerable acts
    The Intolerable Acts were punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party.
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    Battles of Trent and New Jersey
    The significance of the conflict was that the Hessian army was crushed in Washington's raid across the Delaware River.
  • Jefferson writes the Deceleration of independance

    Jefferson writes the Deceleration of independance
    Jefferson wrote what many Americans believed about their rights.
  • Period: to


    A Manumission is a release from slavery
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

    American and British Battle of Saratoga
    This was a big win for the Americans as they stopped the British from advancing and cutting off New England from the rest of the colonies.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The original constitution of the US.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    Howe led the capture of Philadelphia, taking it from the Americans and it was a big battle because the Americans attacked the British.
  • Period: to

    State Constitutions

    A state constitution is the supreme law of that state.
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US
    They did this because they didn't want any slaves as they had slaves freed in they're armies and it was their choice to.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Washington's Continental Army suffered through horrid conditions during the winter at Valley Forge Pennsylvania. Food was horrible and shelter was bad.
  • John Paul Jones & Serapis

    John Paul Jones & Serapis
    During the American Revolution, the U.S. ship Bonhomme Richard wins a hard engagement against the British ships of war.
  • Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    Spain declares war on Great Britain, creating an alliance with the Americans.
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    British forces capture Charles Town
    This was a heavy loss for the Americans as they lost many soldiers in Charles Town.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    This was a turning point in the war as it was one of the last big battles during it and it allowed the Americans to re-capture Yorktown
  • Period: to

    Plans for first Fed. Tax

    In the Plans for first Fed. Tax, which failed, Congress tried to propose taxes to pay for the war efforts.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This was a huge turning point in the war, because it ended the war. Great Britain left the Americans alone.
  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

    Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers
    The treaty provided that the Mississippi River was the western boundary of the United States and also guaranteed Americans the right of free navigation.
  • The Ordinance of 1785

    The Ordinance of 1785
    It set up a standardized system whereby settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west.
  • The North West Ordinance

    The North West Ordinance
    made by the Confederation Congress, chartered a government for the Northwest Territory, provided a method for admitting new states to the Union from the territory.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shays' Rebellion was an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts. In opposition to a debt crisis among the citizenry and the state government's increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades.
  • Convention

    The point of the event was decide how America was going to be governed.
  • Signing of the Constitution

    Signing of the Constitution
    The Signing of the Constitution happened September 9, 1787. The point of it was to establish the basic rights of all American citizens.
  • Delaware first state to approve Constitution

    Delaware first state to approve Constitution
    The first state to ratify was Delaware, on December 7, 1787, by a unanimous vote.
  • New Hampshire ratifies Constitution

    New Hampshire ratifies Constitution
    On June 21, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the new Constitution.
  • Land Act of 1800

    Land Act of 1800
    the government approved the Harrison Land Act. Under this law, people had the opportunity to buy land in the Northwest Territory directly from the federal government.