American Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris

    Formally ends the French and Indian war. France cedes most of its land in North America to Great Britain
  • King George's Royal Proclamation of 1763

    King George sets a boundary on the British colonies separating to colonists from native Americans
  • Stamp Act

    To help the cost of keeping troops in America parliament puts a tax on printed martials in the colonies which is seen as a violation of the colonists rights.
  • Repeal of stamp act/Declaratory Act

    Parliament Repeals the unpopular stamp act but, add the declaratory act that asserts the British power over the colonies
  • Boston Massacare

    Boston Massacare
    British solders kill 5 people and injure 6 others while under attack from a mob
  • Boston tea party

    Sons of Liberty destroy an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India company in defiance of the tea act
  • The First Continental Congress meets

    The first Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. Twelve colonies send delegates
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord,

    Lexington and Concord was the first Military engagement in the Revolutionary war
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    A battle for Bunker hill which the British ended up winning though they suffered a lot more casualties than the colonists
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense, a pamphlet advocating for independence
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The continental congress approves the Declaration of independence .
  • Battle of Trenton

    A small but pivotal battle against Hessian forces where the colonial army won with negligible losses.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    A decisive victory for the Americans which won foreign assistance
  • Treaty of Amity and Commerce and Treaty of Alliance with France

    This treaty made France get in the war against Britain by providing supplies and weapons to the colonial army
  • British Surrender at the battle of Yorktown

    British Surrender at the battle of Yorktown
    A decisive victory for the combine force of the Americans and French which prompted the British Government to negotiate the end of the war
  • The British House of Commons votes against further war

    The British House of Commons vote against further war and recognize The colonies as a independent nation
  • Treaty of Paris (1783)

    Ends the revolutionary war by recognizing the colonies as a independent state