American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and India War was fought from 1754 to 1763 between France and Great Britain. Benjamin Franklin proposed an idea for an American militia called Albany Plan of Union. Even though it didn't pass, it essentially was a model to create a union for the future.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    King George implemented the Royal Proclamation of 1763 which created the boundary of the 13 colonies. The colonists were not allowed to leave or go past the Appalachian mountains. It was important because some founding fathers bought land out there.
  • Grenville Act

    Grenville Act
    Parliament was who passed the Grenville Act. They proposed to raise money to pay for the debt. George Grenville is who wrote it. He also started the Sugar Act and Stamp Act. These acts led to angry colonists.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Parliament passed the Sugar Act in 1764. It was strictly enforced by George Grenville. The tax on molasses cause the colonies to slowly stop making rum. The colonies were also limited to who they could sell their goods to.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    The British took over the Currency systems of the Colonies. It limited the trade the colonists had with the world.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty were a group of men composed of Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere and James Otis. They had private meeting to talk about the taxation without representation.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act forced the colonists to pay taxes for printed papers such as legal documents, magazines and even news papers. It was Significant because it help the British pay off the war debt and forced the colonists to pay for a debt that was not theirs.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act forced colonists to house and feed British troops. The colonists would be scared that they could not support their own family which led them to be angry. General Thomas Gage was the one who proposed the idea of Parliament to house soldiers.
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    The Townshend Revenue Act
    The Act was taxes on led, paint, glass, oil, paper and tea. It was a turning point for Colonists emotions.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The tensions were getting high and after a week of fighting between the British soldiers and the colonists, a big fight finally broke out. They started to throw snowballs, stones and sticks. When it ended many colonists died.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    A group of Bostonians dressed up as mohawk natives and dumped 92,000 pounds of tea. It was worth about 10,000 pounds them.
  • Samuel Adams

    Samuel Adams
    Adams protested the tax on tea and spoke to the people to demand the British ships leave the Harbor. That led to the dumping of the tea later on that night.
  • Patrick Henry

    Patrick Henry
    He was elected to the First Continental Congress in 1774. He also gave a speech that is called give me liberty or give me death. After he finished that speech it influenced a lot of people to fight the British.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    Brittan closed down Boston's sea port, Then they demanded Boston to pay for the destroyed. This act was one of the intolerable acts.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was elected to the Second Continental Congress in 1775. He was not a good public speaker but he was a talented writer. He was one of writers that wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams elected to both Continental Congresses. He suggested that George Washington would be commander in chief for the Continental army. During the revolution he served a diplomat in France and Holland to negotiate the treaty of Paris
  • Paul Revere and William Dawes

    Paul Revere and William Dawes
    On the night of April 18, 1775 William Dawes and Paul Revere set off towards John Hancock houses they wanted to give John a warning that the British were coming to arrest him. They also went to go alert the minute men that the British were coming.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The British were going to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock in Lexington. Then they traveled to Concord to take their gun powder. When they arrive to Lexington they were confronted by 77 American militiamen. That began the revolutionary war.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    He wrote the Common sense pamphlet in 1776. He encourage the colonists to rise up against the British
  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    It was written by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert Livingston, Roger Sherman and Thomas Jefferson. It explained why the Americans wanted their freedom and ultimately gave the colonies freedom from Britain.