american revolution build-up

  • Period: to

    american revolution build-up

    period of time that colonist are building up to revolution, Events on way to Independecne
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    British and French fought over land and the Indians fought on both sides
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act 1764
    1. Reduces tax on sugar and molasses
    2. Increases enforcement of tax collection, specifically cracking down on smuggling
    3. Colonist did not like the change, used to salutary neglect
  • Stamp Act

    1.England requires a tax on all printed materials, stamp on the document proved that the tax was paid
    2.Colonists were outraged as this tax was purely for British revenue
    3.Colonists complained that they had no parliamentary representation
    a.No one from the colonies had a say in the taxes being passed
    4.Stamp Act Congress met in New York, decided to ban British goods until the Stamp Act was Repealed
    5.Sons of Liberty organize boycott in Boston
  • declaratory act

    was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain, which accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act 1765 and the changing and lessening of the Sugar Act.
  • lexington and concord

    the american revolution begins
  • bunker hill

    colonists to fight british soldiers in boston