American Revolution- Holland

  • End of French and Indian War

    End of French and Indian War
    "The treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war. The French received all land from the Mississippi river west, while the British received all land from the Mississippi River east."
  • Writs of Assistance

    Writs of Assistance
    Enforcing trade laws. To increase revenue and increase taxes.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Got passed in 1764 to lower the tax on molasses.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    An act that allowed the government to tax stamps.
  • Town Shed Act

    Town Shed Act
    Taxes started to be taken away. Started to tax fabrics and so women got mad and created DOL (daughters of liberty)
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Redcoats started to shoot after the colonist sais fire and were throwing rocks at the redcoats.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    Lead 1500 soldiers to the battle of brandy wine in September of 1777
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The colonists dressed as Indians and started to throw the tea off of the harbor and into the water which made the redcoats made but they didn't fire at them they let them go.
  • Tea Acts

    Tea Acts
    Gave the British rights to ship tea to the colonies so the colonist get taxed for it
  • Starting to move toward independence

    Starting to move toward independence
    Colonists started to believe that they will always be apart of Britain until Thomas pain was inspired by a small part writer. Which was a big help in the declaration of independence.
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    Were laws passed by the British government these laws were passed for Massachusetts colonies to punish them for the Boston tea party.
  • Battle in Lexington

    Battle in Lexington
    The redcoats found out where Samuel Adams and his army were getting all of their things ready for war and went there and an all-out war happened.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The starting stages of the revolutionary war it was one of many
  • Deceleration of Independence

    Deceleration of Independence
    Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, etc started to sign the independence paper to make them independent.
  • Jefferson Wrote the DOI

    Jefferson Wrote the DOI
    The decleration of independence is the writing to declare our independence.
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersy

    Battles of Trent and New Jersy
    A small but important battle that took place during the American Revolutionary war
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

     American and British Battle of Saratoga
    Was the end of the saratoga campaign. And it lead to an American victory in the battle.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    The articles of confederation are a process of government that did not work because the states were against it and while they tried making their own money no one would use it.
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US
    Jefferson tried to end slavery. During this, he made Virginia to stop importing slaves.
  • State Consittutions

    State Consittutions
    This is the state's saying that they want to make a government and the states have to sign this paper and some didn't sign.
  • manumission

    This was an act to release people from slavery and stop slaves from getting imported all around the world
  • Winter at valley forge

    Winter at valley forge
    Where the American soldiers stayed to live during the cold winter. It was very harsh there and freezing cold temperatures. Some soldiers started to starve to death from the lack of food.
  • John Paul Johns and Seripis

    John Paul Johns and Seripis
    John Paul Jones was one of the leaders that lead in the great battles of Serapis.
  • Spain Declares War on Britin

    Spain Declares War on Britin
    Spain declares war on Great Britain and they are going to have Americans as their allies (friends).
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    British forces capture Charles Town
    A major british victory and engagement between American colonies and the British.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    During the battle, the Americans are beating the British. During the British battle, the British decide to surrender and take their loss to the Americans.
  • Plans for first fed tax

    Plans for first fed tax
    This was for them to create their first taxes on the British government and their own colonies to help pay off their debts and pay the American soldiers.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of Paris ended the American Revolutionary War
  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

    Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers
    Spain did this so they could make the Mississippi River a boundary for the colonizes so the American western settlers could use it.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    It was a crisis about the debt that all the governments had that was trying to help the government get rid of their debt and taxes on the colonists
  • The Ordinance of 1785

    The Ordinance of 1785
    Passed a law that made surveys legal and allowed to sell lands in the north of the Ohio River. It was a 6 by 6 land area.
  • The north west ordinance

    The north west ordinance
    Made a single northwestern territory. Lands of the Ohio River were divided into 3-5 territories.
  • Convention

    This event was to help decide how to govern the colonies in a civilized way
  • Signing of the constitution

    Signing of the constitution
    This is when all the colonies decide to sign the constitution to agree to this type of government
  • New Hampshire Ratifies Constitution

    New Hampshire Ratifies Constitution
    They were the last state to ratify and agree with the constitution to confirm it.
  • Land Act of 1800

    Land Act of 1800
    This made people have the opportunity to buy land in the northwest territories directly from their government