American Revolution

  • End of the French and Indian War

  • Sugar Act

    Aimed to reduce smuggling of sugar, forcing colonists to buy directly from the UK government.
  • Formation of The Sons of Liberty

    Formation of the resistance group that would protest British rule in the colonies.
  • Stamp Act

    Made it illegal to sell: playing cards, glass, and other items without a stamp that colonists would need to pay for.
  • Quartering Act

    Made it legal for British soldiers to walk into any civilian house that they wanted and live there for a period of time.
  • Declaratory Act

    Made it legal for the British parliament to make laws in the New World.
  • Townshend Acts

    Enabled new taxes for the British colonists, and took away freedoms. New taxes on: Lead, paint, tea, papers
  • Boston Massacre

    British soldiers shoot some colonists who were harassing and throwing ice at them.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Sons of Liberty sneak onto boats in the Boston Harbor and dump gallons of tea into the water, ruining it.
  • Intolerable Act

    Closes Boston Harbor.
  • First Continental Congress Convenes

    Called in response to the Intolerable acts, the first Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia.
  • Prohibitory Act

    Cut off all trade between Britain and the Colonies. Removed the colonists from protection with British soldiers.
  • Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" Speech

    Patrick Henry's famous speech.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The first military engagements of the war. British troops attempt to take a weapons cache.
  • Ethan Allan and The Green Mountain Boys Capture Fort Ticonderoga

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Although it is regarded as "Bunker hill" most of the fighting occurred on "Breed's Hill." It is where William Prescott made the famous statement "Fire when you see the whites of their eyes." However, some say he substituted "colors" for "whites."
  • Battle of Quebec

    End of American military operations in modern Canada. First real loss for the Continental Army.
  • Jefferson Writes DOI

  • Manumission

  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" Published

    Used as propaganda in the Revolutionary War, this book is still one of the most popular reads.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Washington's army flees after their defeat on Long Island
  • Nathan Hale Execution

    Nathan was posing as a Dutch schoolteacher, trying to gain information on the British. He was hung without trial the day after he was captured.
  • Lord Cornwallis Captures Fort Lee with Nathanaell Greene

  • Washington Crosses the Delaware River/Battle of Trenton

    General Washington crosses the Delaware river on Christmas to capture many Hessians.
  • Americans and British battle at Saratoga

  • Howe Captures Philadelphia

  • State Constitutions

  • Articles of Confederation

  • Congress Prohibits Imported Slaves

  • United States and France sign the French Alliance

  • Spain Declares War on Great Britian

  • John Paul Jones

    John Paul Jones captures British War Ship, The Serapis.
  • British Capture Charlestown

  • British Surrender at Yorktown

  • Plans for Federal Tax

  • Treaty of Paris

    The ending of the French and Indian War, and the beginning to the American Revolution.
  • Spain Closes Lower Mississippi River For American Settlers

  • Land Ordinance of 1785

  • North West Land Ordinance

  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Convention

  • Signing of the Consitution

  • Delaware First State Approved Consitution

  • New Hampshire ratifies Constitution

  • Land Act of 1800