The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act of 1765 was when British Parliament imposed a direct tax on the colonies. Each tax was required to be printed on stamped paper produced in London. The colonists were very angry and did not like the tax, and the act was repealed mearly most after it was enforced. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was when British tropps fired and killed 5 civilian men. The troops had no order to fire, killing 3 people as soon as they shot, and 2 more later while 6 other people were injured. The shooting sparked tenison throughtout the colonies. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was a protest caused by a group of men called the Sons of Liberty. The protesters went to the Boston Harbor and dumped every box of tea that was on the ships into the water. They dressed up as Indians to as an attempt to disguise themselves. They did all of this becuase they were angry at the British passing a large tax on all tea called the "Tea Act". -
The Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable acts were a group of laws passed to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. The acts took away the ability for the colonies to have goverment controlled by the colonists. These acts were some of the ain causes for the start up of the American Revolution. -
The SIgning of he Declaration of Independence
The signing was when 56 delegates from the colonies signed the Declartion of Independence. The document delcared that the colonies were no longer controlled by Britian, but were an independent country. The signers took the risk that if the colonies couldn't stand any type of war England would bring to them, they would all be hung. -
WInter at Valley Forge
Valley Forge was a military campsite in Pennsylvania during the American Revolution. They stayed there during the harsh winter of 1777. Almost 2,500 died from hunger, exposure to the cold, and disease. -
Surrender at Yorktown
The surrender at Yorktown was when the U.S. and french troops won the battle at Yorktown aganist the British. The U.S. and frencg armies captured British commander Charles Cornwallis and all his army. This battle was a great victory and was the last main battle that took place on land. -
Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris was the offical document putting end to the American Revolutionly War. It was signed by the new United States of America and Great Britian. The treaty meeting was held in Hotel d'York in Paris, France.