Stamp act
Tax on legal documents or paper products. Such as: playing cards and newspaper -
Townshend act
An indirect tax. Puts more tax on imported goods -
Boston massacre
This was the first real blood shed of the war. 8 british troops charged with murder -
Boston Tea party
Colonists disguised as indians went into the port of boston and dumped 45 tons of tea into the harbor -
intolerable acts
all comercial shipping is shut down until they pay back debt -
second conteinental congress
to figure out a new government that would actually work -
battle of bunker hill
it took three attacks to capture the hill but in this battle 1100 out of the 2400 troops died -
olive branch petition
It was an attempt to assert the rights of the colonists while maintaining their loyalty to the British crown -
book of common sense is published
written to express both sides of the war. written so everone could understand -
decloration of independence
states the reasons that the colonies should be free from brittan -
battle of trenton
goregoe washinton crossed the delaware river to a battle againsed hessain forces and won -
battle at saratoga
to cut off new england from the rest of the colonies. they threw traditions out of the window -
battle at yorktown
cornwallis surrenders to wasington, he sufferd many deaths -
second treaty of paris
officaly ended the revolutionary war