French Revolution
The popular uprising that broke out in Paris started a series of revolutionary movements in Europe. In France the revolution was triggered by the way Charles X ruled. The popular masses erected barricades in Paris, and were joined by part of the army. The insurrection spread throughout the country and forced the king into exile. -
Principles of The Extension of The Revolution of Belgium
In 1830 August, the revolution has been extended to Belgium, the kingdoms of Netherlands had been created as a plug state,why two societies very different coexisted, the south provinces of the kingdom apposed at Irish political dominance.In consecuence caused a confrontation between catholics and liberals proclaming the independence. Later at the London conference, the great powers acepted the independence from Belgium, except Holland. -
Revolutionary Movement in Europe
Starting in Frech and carried to other countries by a shortage of products and bad crops made worst conditions to the popular estates affecting to the workers. People did manifestations, the National Guard refuse to dispel the manifestations. They arrived to the palace doors forcing the king to escape. It was proclaimed the Second Republic and a provitional government that made the Universal Male Suffrage, eliminating the death penalty, the slavery and recognized the social rights of workers -
Russian Revolution
In Poland, Modena, Parma, Bologna and the Papal States, there was a revolt againist the russian opression, winning freedom and keeping the traditional order.