American Revolution

  • French and Indian war 1756-1763

    French and Indian war 1756-1763
    The French and Indian War began over whether or not the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire.
  • Navigation Acts 1763

    Navigation Acts 1763
    The Navigation Acts is series of laws passed by the British Parliament that imposed restrictions on colonial trade. British economic policy was based on mercantilism, which aimed to use the American colonies to bolster British state power and finances.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    The Stamp Act was first British parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers, newspapers, pamphlets, cards, almanacs, and dice.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies.
  • Townshend act

    Townshend act
    The Townshend Acts were a series of measures, passed by the British Parliament in 1767, that taxed goods imported to the American colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a street fight between a patriot mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    it was a protest of a group of 60 American colonists threw 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor to agitate against both a tax on tea.
  • Intolerable act

    Intolerable act
    they were punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party.
  • Olive Branch petition

    Olive Branch petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was made by Congress to be sent to the King as a last attempt to prevent formal war from being declared.
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington & Concord
    the battle of lexington and concord started the american revolution hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    the representative government that brought the American colonies together as they got ready for their revolution.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A pamphlet that thomas paine wrote about independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    the formal proclamation that the colonies would now be an independent country separate from Great Britain.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    the first constitution of the 13 independent American colonies.
  • Daniel Shays’ Rebellion

    Daniel Shays’ Rebellion
    Protesting of the foreclosures of farms for debt and briefly succeeded in shutting down the court system.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    a formal meeting held for the purpose of creating a constitution for the United States.