
American Revolution

By Rubix95
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE

    1767-The Townshend Acts

    named for Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Townshend.
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1768-regiments of English

    The two regiments of English infantry land in Boston and set up permanent residence to keep order.
  • Period: 1790 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1790-in the United States.

    Ratification of the United States Bill of Rights.
  • Period: 1789 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1789-United States presidential election

    Constitution goes into effect.
  • Period: 1775 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1775-Battles of Lexington and Concord.

    Battles of Lexington and Concord, followed by the Siege of Boston.
  • Period: 1774 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1774-Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin, Massachusetts' agent in London, is questioned before Parliament.
  • Period: 1773 BCE to 1791 BCE


    Parliament passes the Tea Act.
  • Period: 1772 BCE to 1791 BCE


    Samuel Adams organizes the Committees of Correspondence
  • Period: 1771 BCE to 1791 BCE


    Battle of Alamance in North Carolina
  • Period: 1770 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1770-Golden Hill inciden

    In which British troops wound civilians, including one death
  • Period: 1769 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1769-City and Colony of New York

    To the Betrayed Inhabitants of the City and Colony of New York broadside published by the local Sons of Liberty.
  • Period: 1766 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1766-The British Parliament

    Liberty Pole erected in New York City commons in celebration of the Stamp Act repeal.
  • Period: 1765 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1765- Stamp Act

    To help defray the cost of keeping troops in America, Parliament enacts.
  • Period: 1764 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1764-The Sugar Act

    Prohibiting the colonies from issuing paper money, are passed by Parliament.
  • Period: 1763 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1763-The Treaty of Paris

    Formally ends the French and Indian War.
    France cedes most of its territories in North America to Great Britain.
  • Period: 1761 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1761-New England Planters

    New England Planters immigrate to Nova Scotia, Canada
    to take up lands left vacant after the Expulsion of the Acadians.
  • Period: 1760 BCE to 1791 BCE

    American Revolution

    (1760−1791) in the 18th century in which Thirteen Colonies in North America joined together for independence from the British Empire, and after victory in the Revolutionary War combining to form the United States of America.
  • Period: 1760 BCE to 1791 BCE

    1760-King George II of Great Britain dies

    This ends most fighting in North America between France and Great Britain in the French and Indian War.King George II of Great Britain dies.