French and Indian War
Cost the British money becasue they had to pay for the war. This was known as the 7 years war. This war cost the British to go into debt and had more deaths than the American Revolution. This war also lasted 9 years. -
Stamp Act
Angered colonist because they had to pay tax on any printed copy. "no taxation without representation" The colonist didn't like that the British had controll over what was taxed because it was their land. -
Stamp act congress
The first attempt of the colonial people to go against the British. The colonist came together to plan against the Biritsh. -
Quartering act
Made the colonist provide shelter and food for British soldiers, this angered the colonist because they thought "why should we have to give soldiers our food and homes when they were fighting against us." The colonist didn't want to have to give their home up to complete strangers. -
Townshend duties
Angered the colonist because they had to pay taxes on imported goods and this put everyone in the colonies in a different position. While they couldn't get the supplies they needed they had to start depending off other sources in the colony making themselves even more self efficient and not having to depend of the British. -
Boston Massacre
Conflict between colonist and Redcoats, 5 colonists were killed. When the British shot this was the spark for the American Revolution. This was the first time the colonist had a physical rebellion with the British. This played a big role on the start of the american revolution. -
Tea act
lowered the prices of tea, but angered the colonist because they were against all British taxes. The British lowered the cost but still made profit off the tea tax, this also angered the colonist. -
Boston tea party
The colonists dressed up as Indians and they emptied the British tea into the harbor, costing the British alot of money. This led the British to close the port of Boston, which only made the colonist more angry. They thought this would end the tea act but the British reacted in a different way which the colonist didn't like. -
1st Continental Congress
Certain people from each colony met and discussed repealing all the acts since 1763. The colonist weren't trying to gain independence but were trying to have some control over what they did. -
Intolerable act
The British closed the port of Boston and forbid any imports until the damages were paid. This made the colonist rebell even more and they started to sneek stuff into the colonies.