american revolution

  • Proclamation Line

    The proclamation line was issued by king George the 3 this separated the British and the Americans
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    The sugar act was an act to try to stop the smuggling and trade of the sugar. this act is related to the molasses act
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was a direct act against parliament of Britain was a direct tax to Americans and Britain. This act meant that anything that was printed off and made out of paper then it had to have a stamp on it.
  • 1st Quartering act

    The first quartering act outlined room for britain to border around the americans to get ready for war And the quartering act forced americans to house and feed the britain soldiers.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The Boston massacre was an event were there was several people shot and killed by the British soldiers. And the event was published by a bunch of people including Paul Revere and Samuel Adams this event lead to the tea act.
  • Boston tea party

    The Boston tea party was a political protest by the sons of liberty in Boston this protest was caused by the tea act that made everyone made so the dumped a bunch of tea in the boston harbor
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    the tea act was a act of the parliament of great Britain. The objective of this act was to reduce the massive amount of tea. And to financially help the struggling company.