Main american revolution 03

The American Revolution

  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Parliament imposed the Stamp Act on the colonies. The act required certain printed materials, such as legal documents and newspapers, to carry a stamp showing that a tax had been paid to Britain.
  • Ending the Immediate Crisis

    Ending the Immediate Crisis
    The cause of the dispute was not resolved
  • First Continental Congress

     First Continental Congress
    First Continental Congress meeting in Philadelphia.
  • The First Step

    The First Step
    Members urged colonists to take up arms and organize militias.
  • Fighting Started

    Fighting Started
    Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. Meeting soon afterward, the Second Continental Congress set up an army, called the Continental Army.
  • Sparked The Great War

    Sparked The Great War
    The Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson
  • Thanks to the French

    Thanks to the French
    After a British defeat, the French granted diplomatic recognition to the new United States. When Spain and the Dutch Republic entered the war, the British faced war with the Europeans as well as the Americans
  • Cornwallis Is Finished

    Cornwallis Is Finished
    General Cornwallis was forced to surrender to the American and French forces under Washington at Yorktown.
  • American Colonies

    American Colonies
    1783 the Treaty of Paris recognized the independence of the American colonies. Also, granted the Americans control of the western territory from the Appalachians to the Mississippi River.
  • A New Start

    A New Start
    Delegates meet in Philadelphia at the Constitutional Convention to revise the Articles of Confederation. The delegates decided to planed an entirely new government.