American Revolution

  • French & Indian war

    French and the Indian war began in 1754 and it ended Treaty of Paris in 1763. The conflicting was about between Great Britain and France over the territory and waterways.
  • Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of liberty was organized in the 1765, it was after passage of the stamp Act and it extended throughout the colonies in Massachusetts to South Carolina.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Rebels attacked a ship load of tea due to taxes rising and they dressed up as American Indians causing trouble between the groups. There max 60 American colonists groups who threw 342 chests tea into Boston Harbor.
  • first continental congress meets

    First continental congress convened in the Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania it start around September 5 and October 26,1774.Delegates from the twelve of Britain's thirteen American colonies met to talk about Americas future and to under grow British aggression.
  • Battle of Lexington & concord

    The first battle of American Revolutionary war were they fought Lexington and concord in the Massachusetts on April 19,1775. American Patriot colonist fought for their right to be able to defend themselves against the British.
  • Second Continental Congress Meet

    The Second Continental Congress meeting happened in May 1775 and that was important George Washington the commander in chief of the army.
  • Declaration in independence adopted

    The issues during the Declaration of the independence was adopted by the Continental Congress in July 4,1776, 13 American colonies was severed their political connections to the Great Britain.
  • Battle Of Trenton

    Trenton Jersey is a very popular battle since this is the area where George would have the popular photo where Washington crossed the Delaware river to Jersey where his troops were scarce on supplies but managed to only suffer two losses and victorious over Great Britain
  • articles of confederation created

    The Article created a loose confederation of the states weak and central government mostly likely leaving the power to the state government
  • Battle of Camden

    The battle of Camden was a major victory for the British crushing revolutionary soldiers of the colonies one of the devastating battles upon American history.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The Yorktown campaign was ensured American efforts to win the independence from the Great Britain would hopefully would end success.
  • great compromise

    The Great Compromise was established in the United States and it was an agreement that it created a two-house legislature with representation based on both population and also equal states.
  • Constitutional convention

    Mainly Popular figures that went continental Congress also came to the Convention but with is event was in Philadelphia and more like the first act of government to determine what the future of the nation would look like such as who will have power of the nation and overall who and how it was going to be governed
  • Constitution is ratified

    The founders has set the terms for ratifying the Constitution, while they bypassed the state legislatures, the reasoning for that is that their members would be having to give up power to the national government, but instead they called a ratifying conventions in each state. It ratification in 9 of the 13 states got a new government.
  • Bill of rights adopted

    The Bill rights in the US was the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution which was adopted in a single unit on December 15, in 1791.