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French & Indian War
In this war Great Britain won a lot of territory, but it also led to colonial discontent. The war ended in 1763 when the Treaty of Paris was signed. -
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Stamp act of 1765
The British required many printed materials to be made on stamped paper made in London. This forced the colonies to buy this paper that wasn't any better than any other paper. -
Townshend Act of 1767
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The Townshend Act of 1767 was a series of laws that put taxes on imports, which included tea, and took away some freedoms. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre is a event where the British soldiers shot a killed a bunch of civilians on King Street. No one knows who shot the first shot but 5 people were killed that day. -
Boston Tea Party
This Event was to protest against the taxes the British were putting on the colonist.This was also a way for the Colonist to tell the British that they are not liking being forced to drink one type of tea and to do things the colonist don't want to do. -
Intolerable Acts
These were laws passed by the British after the Boston Tea Part. These laws were put in place to punish and stop the Massachusetts colonists. This didn't stop them it just made them more angry at the British. -
First Continental Congress Meets
The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies that became the United States. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
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The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the american revolution. -
Declaration Of Independence Adopted
On this day, Which is a holiday in the U.S.,Is the day that the Declaration Of Independence was signed and sent to the King of Great Britain. This is a very special day for the patriots of the 13 colones. -
Articles of Confederation Created
An agreement between the original 13 states that served at the United States' first constitution. -
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Battle Of Yorktown
This was a Battle of the town of Little York. This was a German Battle that combined forces with the Continental Army against the British. The American patriots won the Battle. -
3/5 Compromise
This was a debate on an act that the new government had to debate about weather states should pay taxes depending on residents and state governments. It was put in place as the final result. -
Great Compromise
An agreement met by smaller and larger states that defined the legislative structure and representation that each state got. -
Bill of Rights Adopted
The bill of rights is amendments three through twelve which were written by James Madison.