American Revolution

  • The Stamp Act

    Britain sets a tax that requires a stamp on all public documents like newspapers or legal documents
  • The Boston Massacre

    5 boston colonists are shot by britain troops.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    Angry with a new tax on tea,same boston colonists calling themselves the Sons of Liberty board british ships and dump crates of tea into the boston harbor.
  • The First Continental Congress Meets

    Representatives from the colonies get together to unite and oppose british taxes.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Major battle where william prescott told the american troops"don't fire until you see the whites in their eyes'.
  • The Declaration of Independence is Adopted

    The continental congress agrees to thomas jefferson's Declaration of Independence.
  • Valley Forge

    The continental army under george washington spends the winter training at valley forge.
  • A America chooses a Flag

    The continental congress adopts the "Stars and Stripes"flag seen by Betsy Ross.
  • Articles of confederation

    Defined the official government of the united states.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty that officially ended the war.