
Causes of The Revolutionary War

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    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war was the last colonial war and was given the name, the Seven Years War. It was the debt from the war that created conflict, leading to the Revolutionary War. The Parliament was wanting to reach two objectives. One being was to tax colonials to recover for the battle in North America. The second was to restore the profitability of the East Indian company, to help recover after the battles in India. The taxing of the colonials is was drove the colonists to become angry.
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    Pontiac's Rebellion

  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation closed off the frontier to colonial expansion. It was said that it was to calm the Indians because tthe Indians were scared that the colonists would kick them out of thier land as they expanded westward. It was already something that was happening, and they didn't want to allow the colonists to do this anymore. Colonists thought that they were being treated unfairly because of the measures that were being taken in order for the Indians to not be scared.
  • Sugar Act

    Under this act, merchants were forced to pay a tax of six pence per gallon of foreign molasses. The English product was cheaper than the French Indies product and this hurt the molasses companies in the British West Indies. The act also brought up another conflict, being that more goods were being taxed.
  • Currency Act

    During the currency act they were fighting the problem of the constant lack of currency. There were no gold or silver mines and they couln't trade with Britain. The thought of printing off their own paper money became and option. If this were to happen, it would make trading with other countries hard, because they didn't have the same currency. It was difficult, and nearly impossible. Once it was passes, they suffered by not being able to trade with Great Britain, which brought up more problems.
  • Stamp Act

    This was the first British tax that was put on American colonists. Every public and legal document had to have a stamp on it, and that stamp cost the colonists money. They didn't like this because they didn't think that they should have to pay for something that has always been free. This angry built up rage, which led to riots and boycots to stop the purchase of the British goods.
  • Patrick Henry's "If this be treason, make the most of it!" speech

    Behind his Speech This was one of Patrick Henry's speeches that defended his reasonings to the resolution of the Stamp Act. He was backing up his points.
  • The Declaratory Act

    "An act for the better securing the dependency of his Majesty's dominions in America upon the crown and parliament of Great Britain."
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    It is an act that had stated that revenue should be raised. Such as taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea. British changed there tactics due to violation of trade regulations, that lead to the mobs gathering, creating more conflict. "They established non-importation agreements that quickly spread throughout the colonies. British trade soon dried up and the powerful merchants of Britain once again interceded on behalf of the colonies."
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a street fight between a patriot mob and british soldiers. It began when around 50 citizens attacked a British sentinel. There was a town meeting to get rid of the men that had part in this, and they were to be charged with murder. John Adams and Josiah Quincy II were siding with the british in the court. They were later though, charged with manslaughter. The Boston Massacre was said to be a signal event for the Revolutionary War. It later did lead to the Revolution.
  • The Tea Act

    The tea act would pull the final straw to the revolutionary movement in Boston. This act wasn't passed to raise revenue, and impose no new taxes. It was made to help out the East Indian Company, which was beginning to struggle financially. The colonists never liked, or accepted this. As a result, colonists got on the East India Company ships and dumped all of their tea overboard.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The tea act is what led to the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was the act of throwing all of the chests of tea overboard, into the Boston Harbor. They were disguised as Native Americans so that they could not be identifyed. Before the tax could be collected on the tea, they took action by dumping all of that tea in the Boston Harbor. Because of this none of the tea reached the 13 colonies and no colonist had tea.
  • The Rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes

    Paul Revere and William Dawes rode around on their horses warning people about the rumors of the British Army coming this way. They had another way to warn people and it was by lanterns. They put lanterns at the church to alert them if they were coming by land or by sea. He would put one lantern if the British were coming by land and two if they were coming by sea. He was trying to warn poeple of the Lexington and Concord fight that happened a day later.