British grenadier

American Revolution

By ilinney
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The war in North America officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on February 10, 1763, and war in the European theatre of the French and Indian War was settled by the Treaty of Hubertusburg on February 15, 1763.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    Grenville’s government passed the Sugar Act which placed a tax on sugar imported from the West Indies. Previous colonial taxes had been raised to support local British officials. The tax on sugar was passed just to refill Parliament’s empty Treasury.
  • Patrick Henry "If This Be Treason"

    Patrick Henry "If This Be Treason"
    Patrick Henery is remembered as one of the most influential supporters of Republicanism, promoters of the American Revolution and Independence. After the Revolution, Henry was a leader of the anti-federalists in Virginia who opposed the United States Constitution, fearing that it endangered the rights of the States, as well as the freedoms of individuals.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    Colonists were forced to house and quarter British troops.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    This tax required certain goods to bear an official stamp showing that the owner had paid his or her tax. Many of the items were paper goods, like legal documents and licenses, newspapers, leaflets, and even playing cards. The ones that didn't pay the tax would be punished by the vice-admiralty courts without a trial by jury. Colonists were angry because the Stamp Act was passed in order to pay for the increased British troop presence in the colonies.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    It was a declaration by the British Parliament that accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act. They passed it so they can enforce British rule and made it so that they were allowed to impose taxes.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts included small duties on all imported glass, paper, lead, paint, and tea. And they set up new ways to collect taxes.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    An American mob started threatening the British so the British Army soldiers started firing and killed 5 civilian men. The event foreshadowed the American Revolutionary War five years later.,-5th-March,-1770,-1856.jpg
  • Quebec Act, one of the "Intolerable Acts"

    Quebec Act, one of the "Intolerable Acts"
    The Quebec Act was a act created to afford greater rights to the French residents of Canada, which had come under British rule through the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The act was a major cause of the American Revolution. This provision of the act, together with the recognition of the Roman Catholic religion, was seen to threaten the unity and security of British America. The American colonists saw the act as a action of force. http://cdn.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    They were upset about the taxes and the Intolerable Acts. Representatives came from every colony except from Georgia. The main thing they did was vote to cut off all trade from Britain unless they repealed it.
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"
    They believed that Britain and America sholuld split. Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy. The reasons he used, spoke to the common people of America and was the first work to openly ask for independence from Great Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was to give reasons on why Britain and America should seperate.