Lexington And Concord
Wikipedia-Battles of Lexington and ConcordThe first official battle of the revolusion; the brithish soldiers where aproaching Lexington to capture and destroy a rebel weapons hold. The rebels where allerted by Poul Reveres allert network using two lanters for-by sea and one lanter for-by land, the british soldiers where approaching by sea. The rebels waited for them at Concord; no one knows who fired but this shot is known as "the shot herd around the world". On thier way back the british soldiers whare ambushed by more rebels an the mo -
Breeds Hill/ Bunker Hill
Wkipedia-Battle of Bunker HillOn June 13th the colonial leaders surounding Boston learned that the british where planning to send out troops forom the city to ocuupy the surounding hills, in response the colonists sent 1,200 troops to fight back, alerted to this the british attaked. the end result was a succses for the british but a heahy loss having lost 226 and 800 wounded. -
Battle of New York
Wikipedia-Battle of New York and New JerseyThis was a sieries of battles over New York and (less so) New Jersey. The british forces fought Geroge Washington and his colonial troops, the British eventualy drove them away, but they over-went thier reach to get New Jersey they did not succseed but the British held New York for the rest of the war. -
Battle of Trenton
Wikipedia-Battle of TrentonThe battle of Trenton was George Washington's first successfull battle in the revolution. After crossing the Delaware river and losing two troops to the svere cold he and his troops made it to a hessian outpost at around sunrise, they then proseeded to assoult the Hessians who where cought ofgourd by the early assoult when they where still asleep. The battle was a majore success and ensured Washingtons continued post as general for the rest of the war. The Hessian leader died bleeding-out in his -
Battle of Saratoga
Wikipedia-Battle of SaratogaWikipidea-Battle of SaratogaGeneral Burgoyne was a british soldier who attempted to flank and attack american troops at Bemis Hights, this was met with a counter attack from the Americans. Fightiting continued for days, and after the battle several skirmishes continued for days later while Burgoyne waited for reinforcements, which only came for the Americans, cousing Burgoyne to lose his post as General. -
Valley Forge
There was no official battle of secursion at Valley Forge but it was the site of serious dpresion for the Continental army who all but nearly fell apart within this time, during the winter of 1777-1778. The Revolotionary army was dieng fron diseas and famine. Then everything changed, General Nathanial Green became head of the commisionary dippartment and food began to arrive, The French officialy allied with us, and the falce baron, von steuben trained the troop crusial fighting skills to win. -
Battle of Camden
Wikipedia-Battle of CamdenThis battle was a major victory for the British, having roughtet the American forces of Major General Horantio Gates. The loss was extremly humiliating for the American General and the American's lost the majority of the Carolina's once Charlston was taken. -
Battle of Yorktown
Wikipedia-Siege of YorktownTe battle of Yorktown was the final battle of the American revolusion in which the French helped thier American allies in taking back new york. The french first where given two choises help take back New York or attack an outpost in Virginia, they chose New York. They where succsesfull in thier goal and the war was over.