American Revelition

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    French & Indan War

    Britan & France got into a big war over some land. Known as the French and Indian war or " The 7 years war."
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The "Proclamation of 1763" is when the king said that the colinest couldn't go on the land that they just won.
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    No taxation with out represention

    The britis parlment taxted us on tea suger and ectra.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    It is where 5 people died they said it is Massacre to get people mad.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Some people from the suns of liberty drest up as indean and dumped one million bolers in to days money of tea in to the ocean.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    The 1st Continental Congress was the Continental Congress that said " Hope for peace but plan for war."
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    700 British men found them themselves standing in front of lots of minutemen.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill one of the first battles in American independence.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is a sheets of paper that we sent the king for Independence
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    Valley Forge

    Valley Forge was a battle filed , one of the last.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was the battle that the Britsh put the white flag out.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the treaty that stoped the war betwen us and Briton.