american revalution

By n@$h
  • the stamp act

    the stamp act
    britan sets tax's
  • the bostinmassacre

    the bostinmassacre
    bostin colinist are shot by britan troops
  • the bostin tea party

    the bostin tea party
    angry with a new tax on tea
  • the fist continental congress meats

    the fist continental congress meats
    represenitives from different colonies get together to unite
  • paul rever ride

    paul rever ride
    revulotionary war starts and paul make famous ride
  • battle of lexxington

    battle of lexxington
    the atual fighting starts
  • capture of fort ticondreroga

    the green montian boys capture fort ticondreroga
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    battle were william prescot told the american troops not to shoot
  • The Declaration of Independence is Adopted

    The Declaration of Independence is Adopted
    The Continental Congress agrees to Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence.
  • George Washington Crosses the Delaware

    George Washington Crosses the Delaware
    George Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River on Christmas night and surprise the enemy.