Stamp Act vs Taxes
The Stamp Act relates to taxes in today's society because we get taxed for everything to help an array of things in the government. These including government jobs, welfare, USA debt, and so forth. This coincides with the Stamp Act because the Stamp Act helped the British pay for the war debt after the French and Indian War. -
Shots Heard Around the World vs Pearl Harbor
The shots heard around the world relates to Pearl Harbor because Pearl Harbor was the start of America becmoing invovled with World War II. Such like the Lexigton-Concord Battles which sparked the Revolutionary War just as Pearl Harbor gave the spark for America to join World War II. -
Boston Massacre vs THe Ferguson Case
These two relate becasue in the Boston Massrce people were protesting the recently enforced townshend acts. A group of patriots were throwing various items at officers so 5 were killed which arosed the public protest and retaltion. Such as in the ferguson case, a man was shot by a white officer which resulted in riots and civil unrest. This then spark a debate between law enforement officers and African Amercians such as the relationship to the patriots and British Troops. -
Common Sense vs Black Lives Matter
This comparison isn't so much in common but in a small sense it is. For one their both movements or reasons to fix or breakaway from someone or something. Such like the Common Sense was about becoming indepedent and not supporting Britain, such as the Black lives matter is about helping blacks. There both movements in a way because they both influenced the people of society. The black lives matter was an activist movement such like common sense was an American Movement