Jun 13, 1500
Native American Myths
Native Americans shared their stories/myths in an oral tradtion. Oral traditions included epics, songs, and chants. These stories were told in multiple languages and these stories have important morals. Their stories were passed down many generations.These stories anwered questions about the world, we live in, also about humans and animals in it. Storytellers were valued in the Native Americans communities. -
Period: Jun 14, 1500 to
Native Americans
Life before the Europeans came to the new world for the Native Americans/Indians was interesting. The Americans made the new world their home and populations grew. Societies were made, which contained few 1,000 people. Americans had their histories and came from various cultures. -
The Sky Tree
"The Sky Tree" is an creation myth by the Hurons. Its about a Earth Mother, named Aataentsic, cutting down the Tree of Life. She is cutting down this tree because her husband is ill, and to cure his illness there is a healing fruit at the top of the Tree of Life. When the Tree is cut it falls down in the sky. Earth Mother goes into the hole, animals goes in the hole and try to make a island over a turtle so the Tree of Life and Earth Mother can rest on it. The Tree then takes root in it. -
Puritans come to New England
Puritans came to Plymouth, MA. The Puritans were small groups of people. They came to New England for freedom of religion. The wanted to strive to lead ideal lives, hard work, and self-discipline. They wanted to live in the new land in a succesful way. The Purtains weren't the first ones who were in the new world. They met the Native Americans. Puritans learned alot of things from the Native Ameicans. -
Period: to
Puritans were strong believers of God. They wouldn't put up with anyone that was against their belief on God. The Puritans valued the Bible, they believed that it was God's true law. Religion was very important to them. Their writing was very plain, straight forward. The Bible provided a model for Puritan writing. People wrote histories and diaries, they wrote about the working of God. -
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God By Jonathan Edwards
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards is a sermon about how God had a limitless power and what he can do to you if you commit a sin. Edwards writes about how God would be very angry at sinners after their death. It talks about how they, the sinners, will be held over a bottomless pit of flames by only “the mere pleasure of God”. It explains in detail how the sinner will feel when he/she is about to go to Hell. This sermon’s moral is basically a warning to sinners. -
Period: to
Romanticism was the era where a different style of writing come. Elements of Romanticism are feelings over reasoning and logic, power of imagination, individual spirit, and the story is around nature. In some works, there were loads of details concluded in the works. Romanticism wasnt like the Puritans' way of writing at all. They did not concentrate on god and write diaries/histories. -
First Telegraph Line
Samuel Morse comples the first telegraph line in the USA. A telegraph is sending messages from electrical impuleses. Samuel Morse created the morse code for the telegraph. Telegraph were quite useful back in the days. -
First Gold Rush
In 1849, people traveled to the West to find gold in the state of California. Sometimes people got lucky if they made it to the West without any hardships, but I doubt it. Peole were lucky if they found authetic gold in the rivers. A massive amount of people traveled to California just to get find alittle gold. Some miners were out of luck when they couldn't find any gold. -
The Chambered Nautilus
"The Chambered Nautilus" was a poem wrriten by Oliver Wendell Holmes. This peom explains that a nautilus grows a new chamber in his shell and how it grows and risks the life to adventure something new everyday. It tells just that the nautilus goes out in the world to do something new, andthat humans should change and do something for a change. Humans should go out and adventure new parts of their world until death comes. Nature still goes on even when a animals or human being dies. -
The Tide Rises, The Tides Falls
The poem was by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, he loved the sea and sailors. This poem is about a man walking on the shore of the sea, going towards town, and he is placing footprints on the shore. And his footprints are being washed away by the sea. The next morning he reaches town, and he never returns to go back to the beach. But the tides still rise and fall even after the man is gone. Meaning of the peom is that nature goes on even when the death of a creature comes. -
Period: to
The Realism litaray works were quite different from Romanticism style of writing. Elements of Realism differed from ROmanticism elements. Elements of Realism are writing about everyday life, choosing realistic character names,usage of simple language worte about jobs, interet in human fate, and more elements that depicted Realism. -
American Red Cross
Clara Barton organizes the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross has helped, us, Ameicans through alot of wars. They provide medical help and simple needs. They lend us a hand when we need help. They do services to provide help for children or adults in need. -
Death of Henry Longfellow
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died on March 24, 1882. He was a romantic poet. He wrote th poems " TheTides Rises, The Tides Falls", "Paul Revere's Ride" , and many more. He was a famous American poet. -
"From Life on the Mississippi"
Mark Twain worte the short story called "From Life on the Mississippi". He described how he loved the Mississippi River and how he rode on his boat on the river. He remebered us about his childhood days being a pilot on a boat and how he had to remeber the routes of the Mississippi River like how he knows the hallways in his house. It was a cool short story. -
Mark Twain's Book
The book "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was written by, one of the famous writers, Mark Twain. He also worte "Life on the Mississippi", "The Celebrated Jumping Frog and Other Stories", "The Prince and the Pauper", and other great stories. Some of the common themes that Twain's work include were man and the natural world, race, friendship, and others. -
Period: to
Modernism came around the time period in 1914. The way of writing changed from Realism to Modernism because the devestation of WWI. Elements of Modernism included symbolism and imagism, giving a voice inside the character's mind, a person beinga hero, and others. -
Chicago Poems
Carl Sandburg publishes "Chicago Poems". This poems was a poem about the city of Chicago. The speaker in the poem deeply loves Chicago at his heart. Other people in the city criticize the the city being "wiccked", "crooked", and "brutal". And the speaker agrees with the people, but he loves it no matter what people say about it. -
World War I
The World War starts in the 1914, but the USA enters in it in 1917. It was devastating when a massive amount of people died in the war. The USA was in the Allied Powers side which had other country such as Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. When the war ended, more than 9 million soldiers had been killed and 21 million more wounded. -
Womens Right to Vote
Women get the right to vote by the 19th Amendment in 1920. Women always wanted to give their freedom to vote just like men could do. I think women deserve to have the right to vote. IT think that because women arent any less than men. Men can work, women can works aswell. Men and women are equal and i love that in America. -
The Great Gatsby
"The Great Gatsby" is wrritten by Fracis Scott Fitzgerald on April 10th, 1925. It was one of the famous Jazz Age books at the time. The book was about a man neamed Gatsby, who was wealthy, and was in love with a married women, Diasy. Daisy's husband, Tom, didn't love Daisy but when Gatsby and Diasy were getting close, Tom interfered. In the end of the book, Gatsby gets shot. It was a depressing story.