colonialism - anne bradsreet 1620-1765
metaphor:I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold
Europeans were colonizing the americans to start a better life by finding gold
literature in this time period was written to the people to the new world and from the new world to the old world when the revolution was happening. -
revolutionary thomas paine 1765-1781
personification:A fair budding branch from the gardens above
in ameica at the time the americas had just liberated themselves from the england power from the old world.
literature in this time period was written for freedom and had for the government like thomas paines common sense -
romanticism longfellow 1800-1860
metaphors: But my guests I leave behind me
type of literature in this time period was an era where there were a lot of things that people would be enlightened to new things such as religion
historical events were the enlightenment -
realism paul lawerncve dunbar 1860-1914
metaphor: i found you and i ate you
historical events the civil war had ended and the African americans were still struggling through from discrimination
literature in this ti e was changing over time because of the harlem renaissance and the newly freed slaves were changing how many things were operating -
modernism langston hughes 1917-1945
metaphor and personification: life is like a broken winged bird
histroial events such as the 2 world wars that happend were a way that African american were allowed to help fight for their country and et some more freedom that they didnt before.
type of literature was there were a lot of things that whre written in the representation of the struggles of Africa Americans -
post modernism robert frost 1945-2001
metaphors and personification: than flowers will show for days unless they hurry
time peripdwere the united states were more accepting of more things such as civil right and equal rights and appreciation for the natue with the epa
more righting showing and fighting for the equal rights for women and civil rights for african Americans