American Lit

By zeya
  • Native American/Creation

    The World on the Turtles Back
    One kid came out the arm pit of the mom and killed her, then she became mother earth, then the boys became day and night and fought for a long time.
    This Newely Created World
    I have killed the deer
  • Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    God was angry at everyone for no reason
  • Speech in the Virginia Convention Partrick Henry

    Tryinf to convince them to fight the British
  • Speech in the Virginia Convention: Patrick Henry: March 23, 1775

    Patrick Henry - He tries to convince them to go to war
  • The Crisis:

    Thomas Paine: Stand up against the British during the war
  • Equiano

    From the Interesting Narative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
    He was a slave who was sent across the sea, and hewas seperated from her sister
  • Emerson

    Self-Reliance 1888
  • Emerson

    Nature 1836
  • Thoreau

    Walden 1854, Not letting other things take control of us
  • The Crucible Arthur Miller

    Girls were caught in yhe forest dancing and summoning spirits, and the town uprors in the talk of witch craft and accusions. Many innocent people were killed becasue of all their lies.
  • Thoreau

    Civil Disobedience 1849, his experience of being put in jail for standing up for his beliefs.